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John walked slowly back down the hall with his men right behind him. He had to think of exactly what he was going to say to Alan when he put cuffs on him. He wanted him to rot for what he did daily. Finally, he had a reason to bring him down to the station.

"Did you find what you were looking for?" Maggie asked as he came back into view.

"I did," he answered, twirling the handcuffs on his index finger.

Alan quirked an eyebrow. "And what exactly did you find?"

"Finally, someone could not protect your monstrous ways. The evidence is all over her body, Mr. Collins. You screwed up."

He frowned. "What in the world are you talking about?"

John walked up to him. "Turn around."

"Excuse me?"

"I said turn around," he commanded.

"What for?"

"You're under arrest."

A man walked around behind Alan and pulled his hands behind his back. He didn't try to resist. He was smarter than he was given credit for. There is no possible way they would have anything to charge him with unless Gina told them some outrageous story. No, she couldn't have. Surely after he saved her life she would not tell lies on him. Of course, he didn't know her and it wouldn't surprise him, but she just did not seem like the type.

"On what charge?" Alan demanded as John cuffed him.

"Assault and battery." John started to read him his rights.

Grace shook her head, tears coming to her eyes. She knew the girl was trouble. Making sure no one noticed her, she slipped away. She was going to confront her and give her a piece of her mind.

"It's ridiculous! I didn't touch Gina!"

"The E.M.T examined her. There are bruises all over her body, carefully placed so they would be undetectable to anyone other than the abuser. Her whole body is practically blue."

Alan stared at him, flabbergasted. He had no idea she had bruises, especially as many as he was suggesting. "You have to believe me, John. I haven't touched her. I carried her inside from the limo and that was it."

"Amy said she saw you tackle her from her chair when the shooting started."

"To save her from the bullets!"

Maggie patted him on the shoulder. "Best not get worked up, Alan. You've done nothing wrong. Everything is going to be okay."

He shook his head. Those handcuffs were cutting into his skin. They were on way too tight, probably on purpose. This was a nightmare. It was true. Gina was a reporter or someone out to get him. Why else would she tell such a horrible lie on him? His heart ached. He had done nothing but try to help her and this was how she repaid him?

"Take him to the car," John told the policeman. "And make sure he's secure."

The uniformed officer nodded. He tried to guide Alan out the door, but he wouldn't go. "I want to see Gina first. I want to see those bruises for myself."

If he was going to be accused of bruising her, he wanted to see the damage with his own eyes.

~ * ~

Grace flung open the door to the guest bedroom angrily. "How dare you?" she asked immediately.

Gina jumped to her feet. "How dare I what?"

Someone To Run ToTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang