Part 4: The Mad Woman

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Nora thought herself many things; intelligent, resourceful, maybe not humorous, but certainly fast on her feet. Despite all of this, as much as she despised the thought, she was still only one person with one mind, and there is only so much one person could take.

She wasn't sure how long she'd run to escape the body she'd left in her wake. Mr Greybo had yet to make another call for her on the intercom, and now that the moon had overtaken the sky, countless glistening diamonds speckling the blanket of night, she was unsure how to navigate her way to the campgrounds.

"Truly, I never thought myself this geographically challenged." She fanned herself, a hot flush having overtaken her body which grew heavier by the minute. Her mouth was bone dry, her vision distorting. Nora swung her gaze left and right, looking for any sign of civilization; when she took a step, her knees gave out and the sharp bite of rocks sent pain through her already aching body. "Saints,"

"You must rest, Miss Poyntz."

"The last thing I need to do is rest. I must find my way back to the blasted campgrounds."

"What's a fair young miss wandering 'round this late at night for?" A gravelly, aged voice drifted to Nora's ears; her body jerked and groaned at her sudden movements as her eyes landed on an old woman. "Are you alright? Looks as if you had a fright." Wrinkles lined her features, and the smile she wore highlighted her age.

"Good evening ma'am. I assure you, I'll be alright." She knew the words were foolish.

"Don't play that with me, missy. I may be old, but that don't mean I'm blind...yet." She cackled at her joke, the sound sending a chill down Nora's spine. "Let good ol' Wendy Wagbo take care of you." Wendy shuffled towards Nora who's body trembled, denying her strength.


What she wouldn't do to have his arrogant, egotistical, intelligent mind with her right now. The simple thought of him brought her comfort. Her stomach sank, but she forced a smile for Wendy as the woman settled beside her.

"I'll get you situated with a cup of tea that'll make you feel young as a tot again." Wendy cackled once more. Nora's smile twitched.

"Tea sounds wonderful."


Wendy's home was a simple cottage situated down the path; had Nora's body held out a while longer, she was sure she'd have stumbled upon it. It housed a small covered porch featuring two tiny windows on either side of the door.

Wendy moved them along into the cabin, to a room with a roaring fire in a red brick hearth. Sweat made Nora's cotton dress stick to every inch of her skin. Her muscles ached; the edges of her mind layered with a thick fog; her legs trembled as the world began spinning.

"Saints, I-I think I need to sit down for a moment."

Wendy led her to a plush, green chair, worn from the years. Nora sank into it like a sack of bricks, barely paying any mind to the old woman now.

Is it because of over exhaustion? Shock? I've not reacted to anything like this before.

Her hand lifted, and she gazed at the pasty flesh, the blue veins running beneath her skin unmistakable; it was a haunting sight.

I haven't rested since I awoke in that bus. It's no wonder my body is failing me.

Nora's heavy gaze lifted to Wendy, who now stood before her with a porcelain teacup. Her smile was sweet enough, but the look in her hazel eyes had Nora recoiling.

"Drink this, and you'll be good as new." Wendy leaned down, and Nora pulled back, sinking further into the chair. "It's my momma's secret recipe."

Nora opened her mouth to protest, but Wendy forced the cup into her hands. Pressure weighed on her chest and she stared into the light, amber liquid, sniffing; her nose wasn't working properly, the sudden illness skewing her senses.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2020 ⏰

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