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Chapter 17

Blaine's POV

Other than the fact that I was ignoring Paxton like he was the plague everything else was fine.
I was still extremely angry with him. Liang and Mathias said we needed to talk and settle things but I still wasn't sure. I had never fought with anyone before and that was an act out of character.
Maddox told me that if I ever got mad again I should tell him and not allow my emotions to make the decision for me. Even if I was angry with Paxton I still felt bad for hitting him. Maddox was right about feeling regret when you calm down.
We have been best friends for so long and I didn't handle the situation well. Paxton doesn't just do things out of character and we should have talked things out but I'm still so angry I'm not sure if I'm ready to face him.

I realised too late that we were now parked in front Paxton's house.
"What the hell are we doing here Maddox?" I asked my boyfriend in shock.
"I'm here to drop you off" he said with a smile.
"And why would you do that? Did Paxton put you up to this?" I asked in shock.
"No he didnt. You wouldn't believe me if I told you who did" he said.

Maddox's POV

Its been a week and I don't like that Blaine is still fighting with his best friend. I usually mind my own business but my boyfriend being mad and depressed does not sit well with me.
Its the only reason I agreed to this.


I was chilling with Leo and Tyler by the football field during lunch when Brad and his gang approached us.
"Hey" he said and I gave him my famous glare.
"What do you want?" I asked not in the mood of his usual threats. His minions knew fully well what I was capable of and saw they looked at me in fear.
I stood up and walked until I was right in front of Brad giving him a questioning look with Leo and Tyler behind me. Leo was smiling but Tyler gave them his famous poker face while he cracked his knuckles.

"So its true. You're not just a bunch of weak nerds" Brad said looking straight at me. If not for the love of a clean record he would be unconscious by now.
"Is there a reason you feel like bothering us today?" I asked.
"Calm down Russo. I just want to talk. A real conversation. Just the two of us" Brad said before dismissing his lackeys. I turned to my friends and I assured them I would be fine. They reluctantly walked back to the benches.

"Start talking" I said showing my impatience.
"I have decided. You can have Blaine" he said.
"I never needed your approval and if you haven't noticed Blaine is already mine" I said with a smirk.
"Cocky bastard" Brad said in a sacaratic tone.

"Is there anything else or are you done wasting my time?" I asked.
"I need you to do me a favor" he said.
"Give me one good reason why I would help you in anyway?" I asked.
"Because I'm helping a friend while you help your boyfriend. Killing two birds with one stone" he said.
Was he talking about Paxton?
"Okay you got me interested. What's this favor?" I asked and he smiled. Like real genuine smile.

Flashback end

And this is what brought me here today. He was worried about Paxton and I was worried about Blaine. Either way they needed to talk eventually.
I kicked Blaine out of the car and before he could try to get back in I drove off.

Blaine's POV

That asshole. Who does that to another human being?
I was so angry with Maddox and I would make sure I kick his ass next time I see him.
I searched for my phone only to realise I don't have it. Maddox must have taken it when I wasn't looking.
Ahhhhhhhh... Why does he have to do this to me? I'm so not giving him this ass anymore. He doesn't deserve it.

Paxton stayed far from most people.
I could take the bus but Maddox also made sure he took my wallet. I'm basically stuck here. I turned to face the house. Right now Paxton was my only choice but I wasn't ready to face him.
After a long individual debate I finally walked up to the front door.
I still couldn't decided whether to ring the doorbell or not when the front door opened.

"Oh hello Blaine" his mom said as soon as she saw me.
"You can just come in. I'm just going out to get a few groceries. There's muffins and juice in the kitchen if you get hungry. Paxton is in his room" she said as she walked up to the car and soon she had left the yard.
I took a deep breath before entering the house and closing the door. I wished I would never get to his room but a minute later I was knocking on his door.

"Come in" he said and I pushed open the door.
"Mom I... Ba...Blaine" he was frozen in place as soon as he saw me.
"Hey" I said before walking to his bed and sitting by the edge. Paxton was sitting by his study desk.
"Your mom said she went out to buy groceries" I said and only awkward silence followed. This was all of a sudden and non of us were ready for this.

"Paxton" I cut him off.
"I'm sorry I hit you. I shouldn't have done that but you should know I was very hurt when I discovered what you have been doing with Brad behind my back. You're my best friend but now I feel like you have never been on my side. How can I even trust you again after this? Why would you do that to me?" I asked fighting back the tears.
"I'm the one who should be apologizing Lain. I'm sorry I worked with Brad but I assure you it was the only time. You're my best friend and I should have never done that" Paxton said.

"Then why did you do it?" I asked.
"You remember my crush?" He asked.
"The guy you have been in love with forever but you refuse to tell me his name. What does he have to do with this?" I asked.
"Its...he...its Brad" he said with tears flowing down his eyes. It took a few seconds to register before I was frozen in shock.
Then it made sense. I was the skank who had stolen his long time crush.


If you found out you stole your best friends crush what would you do?

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