Survival of the Fittest | 4

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Round Four

The sun had set while the trees stayed in place. The canopy that the branches provided had dropped the temperature, yet Maverick felt warm. He had just wiped out his favorite band, Led Zeppelin.

At this point, he couldn't remember what way he had come; he was worried about where he would go. The Rogue Leader hoped he came across shelter, and soon. His stomach was rumbling and his feet refused to move quickly. It was going to be a long night if he didn't find somewhere.

He continued to trudge through the woods. The sounds in the night continued to echo. An owl could be made out; his voice of warnings resonated and circled Maverick. The spooked werewolf picked up his pace. He wouldn't have been scared, but his lack of wolf abilities bothered him still.

After he had roamed for another hour, he caught a glance of a light in the night. It seemed so bright, for he had been in the dark for quite some time. Maverick rushed quickly to the illuminating substance, and found himself at the base of a foreign cottage.

He rushed up the rickety steps, and then knocked rapidly on the wooden door. The door swung open, creaking and groaning as if it were an eighty year old woman getting out of bed.

Maverick's bones screamed at him, turn back, don't go in. He ignored his senses and snuck inside the lonely house. He found himself in a dim hallway, and jumped when he heard an unsettling noise:

A crackling laugh of a witch.

"Hello there," echoed a wiry female voice.

"Hi," Maverick responded, letting his voice blend into the background of the clanging in the kitchen.

"Come in, come in," she murmured, her voice surrounding Maverick and circling him in what felt like an embrace. Maverick followed her command, and easily found himself inside her messy kitchen.

The kitchen chairs were sprawled across the room; the fridge hung wide open while various things were stuck inside. The deep trashcan was visibly overflowing; some pieces strewn closely on the floor.

"Would you like some tea?" she asked, and Maverick's eyes found hers. All he could manage in response was a nod. She grinned wide. "My name is Wendy, Wendy Wagbo." She finished pouring hot tea into a coffee mug. She waltzed towards him, her feet gliding off of the ground.

"Thanks, Wendy. Name's Maverick," he said softly, trying to not scare her. She was a petite older woman and Maverick's frame could crush hers quickly just by sitting on her windpipe. He brought the cup to his lips and sniffed sneakily before taking a sip. He didn't sense anything weird.

Maybe he would have smelt something if he had his werewolf abilities.

Eventually, Maverick awoke. When he came to, there was a throbbing in his head. The sensation caused his eyesight to go in and out, almost like a lighthouse light, slowly taking in his surroundings.

He jumped once he realized his predicament. His wrists were tied together, as were his feet. Being a werewolf, he knew he could chew out of the rope; his teeth were naturally sharper than humans'.

He tried to listen to Wendy Wagbo with his wolf hearing, but he was quickly reminded of his wolf's absence. Wendy wasn't close enough to be heard with his normal ears. Maverick brought his hands up, giving him access to chew on his ropes.

Once they had been slightly separated, Maverick ripped his wrists apart, causing the rope to break. He nodded in satisfaction and then leaned down, untying the rope around his ankles. Once he was completely untied, he stood, grabbing things closest to him.

This woman had caught him off guard already, and he didn't want to be stuck in the cottage forever. He still had things to accomplish when he got out of the hell camp, like killing his second in command for setting him up on the survival camp in the first place.

In his arms, he had a jar of hot dogs, a lampshade, a rolling pin, and a stuffed pikachu toy. These things would not prove to be useful unless used correctly. He had to kill Wendy and escape.

Maverick began his journey to the front door; if he could make it out alive, there would be no reason to kill the old woman. The door creaked open, allowing him to keep his supplies in his hands without opening the door. He ignored the creepiness of the magic door and continued to step out, his feet finding their way down the steps. The door slammed shut, and he thought he had begun to enter a phase where he didn't have to fight for his life.

As he left the clearing where the cottage sat, he heard Wendy call out for him. "Come back here! I'm not done with you yet."

Maverick groaned while turning back around. He began walking towards the cottage. He was going to have to bash her head in. It would be sad, but his life had more importance, especially if she proved to be a crazy killer.

He rushed towards her quicker, forcing his tired feet into a fast sprint. He had gone through years of training for nights like the one he had been experiencing. He took the jar of hot dogs and raised them above his head, dropping the Pikachu toy onto the ground.

Wendy brought her hands up, but they wouldn't stop the powerful force of the glass as it was slammed onto her head. This caused her to fall over and pass out. Maverick chose to not stop there, he grabbed the rolling pin, and continued to beat her head in until it drew blood.

No one should mess with the Rogue Leader.

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