|| Most Dramatic Entrance Ever ||

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River Lee's View;

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River Lee's View;

We were all in a room were The Alumni always meets up. It was basically a meeting room. The Old Men and Women that probably had Menopause were in this long ass table.

Varsity was on the right of them and i was with J.V on the left side. I was standing next to Charlie and Orion.

"Do i have a motion of reconsideration?" Buckley said, none of the aging people raised their hand.

"I'm sorry, Coach. But unless there is a motion from a board member and a second, the decision must stand."

"You leave us no choice, but to bring in our Attorney." Orion spoke. My side turned to the door expecting what's to come.

In came Gordon Bombay in a suit and briefcase. The same man i met days ago.

"Dean Buckley, members of the board. As counsel for Coach Orion and the freshman hockey team, I am here to set forth your legal options. So that you may make the best possible decision for all parties concerned." Bombay spoke.

"Mr Bombay, this isn't a legal proceeding." Dean said.

"Not yet, but i can assure you that it will be. Do you mind?" He then gave Dean his briefcase to hold and pulled out files.

"These scholarships, an offer, becoming a binding contract upon the signatures of the recipients and acceptance by the Ducks. They cannot be voided except for cause, which, i guarantee you have none. Should you decided to pursue their cancellation. I will slap you with an injunction, I will tie this matter up in court for years. Until long after these kids have gone on to college. And i will collect damages, i will win. Because i am very good, You know why i'm so good? Because i had a good education, you have it to me. And you are going to give it to these kids."

"He's good." Hw whispered to Charlie and I.

"He is."

"Just getting started." Charlie told both of us.

"Now some of you may be snobbish enough to believe that these Ducks don't belong at Eden Hall. Let me tell you, you are dead wrong. These are remarkable young people, you give them their full shot and I promise you they will succeed. Not only on ice but in classrooms as well, these people are my friends and i know they can do it. Accordingly, I demand that you reinstate their scholarships for their benefit and for your own."

We heard the door open. I turned and saw my Grandparents enter with a group of Old people.

"Hope we aren't interrupting nothing, but a education to a kid is one of the privileges they should always have." My Grandpa spoke. They were all standing by the door. The Board Members turned and stood up as soon as they saw them.

"Mr and Mrs Omak, nice to see you here. Come take a seat." One of the board members stood up offering his chair.

"No, thank you. We heard a group of students aren't receiving the education they were promised. Now, What is that about?" My Grandma said. Me and Eliana winked at each other. We planned this and it was all turning out smoothly.

"Uh-, we just had to-." Another Board Member began to talk when one of the Older People from behind my Grandpa stopped him.

"There's no excuse to that! We funded this school so that kids who really care about their education get the opportunity to explore more opportunities public schools won't give them! No kid should be in here fighting to get back their scholarship we granted!"

When i went to visit my grandparents after the hangout with the Ducks at Mickey's Diner, Eliana and I went to my Grandparents house. We told them and turns out that they actually funded the school when they were in their 20's with other good friends.

After they got too old to run it themselves, they handed the school to my Dad and my Dad formed the Alumni group. Whatever decision My Dad and The Alumni chose, they had to consult with my Grandparents and their friends.

But they didn't tell them about the Scholarships that were going to be taken away from the ducks. Now that is some crazy shit. Who knew, and also my parents met in Eden Hall. My Dad had a scholarship and that just made him a hypocrite. So that was something to hear about.

"I move that the scholarships be reinstated." One of the board members said.

"Is there a second?" Slowly, one by one they all began to raise their hand. My Dad hesitated before raising his hand.

"Scholarships Reinstated." The Duckies, Eliana and I began to cheer.

I hugged Eliana, we were jumping up and down. I turned to Adam who was smiling behind me while shaking hands with Charlie.

"I know i shouldn't be saying this but you are cute." Adam blushed before getting interrupted by Charlie.

"Don't get ideas, Banks." Charlie said. I rolled my eyes.

"I can never have fun." They both laughed. Me and Eliana walked over to my Grandparents. I hugged both of them.

"That was one of the most dramatic entrance ever. I fucking love you guys." They laughed before hugging Eliana and I into a group hug.

"We'll do anything for you two. Now, if your parents are giving you trouble, come tell us. We'll take care of it." I smiled at my Grandma.

"Will do."

June 28. I love River Lee.

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