Chapter 27

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Sorry for the mistakes 🙏🙏🙏🙏


No response

Jeongguk hide his face on younger's neck gently.


No response

He rested his head on younger's neck for a long time.

That's when he suddenly realized

What Taehyung needs is not related with medicine.

No doctor can treat him

And that's when he made a decision that night

Which will change everything from now on.

He will do everything to save his Jin Hyung's brother.

Jin sacrificed his needs,



and dreams to give Jeongguk

A welcoming home.

Now he will exactly do that for Taehyung.

He will give Younger a beautiful and healthy life.

He will become his safe home.

"Are you confident?" Namjoon asked.

"I mean, can we leave everything behind really?" Jimin voiced his statement.

"We are getting a second chance to live our life like a normal people.

Are we not going to do that?" Yeosung tried to convince.

"We can do that really, I want to do but what about our enemy who are waiting for that one opportunity to kill us" Yoongi reasoned.

"We will go far away from this city, from this town,  far from this violence, guns, and weapons." Hoseok said.

"We can at least do that, let's go"

"Yeah for better life let's do this together"

"For Taehyung and for ourself must do this"

They were in the cabin where everyone were doing their daily task.

Jeongguk suggest this idea to everyone.

Everyone is suffering

Everyone is exhausted

Everyone is suffocated

If they could live a beautiful, happy life

Why would they choose a daily life filled with violence and blood?

Where there is no guarantee for tomorrow?

Next day all the comrades were dismissed with secured finance and jobs for the life ahead.

"Crimson Blood Empire"  respect each comrade and their loyalty.

Because they are the people who have chosen the empire with their safety and future, regardless of death in the mission.

Jeongguk and Hyung have chosen the people with weakness, such as

who needs money for their parent's medicine

Child's schooling.

Those looking after siblings

They choose them as their comrades because 

People were in needs of help


They were willing to help

In return for their loyalty and trust, but never did Jeongguk have shown or express his gratitude towards them.

It was a deal of give and take, after all.

He bid farewell to everyone from his mafia empire

Which was not easy at all, of course.

His comrades begged him not to let them leave and to be with him under his care to the last.

Since they have been working for him.

They have never slept empty stomach,

they have never slept without a warm blanket covering their body.

They never got this respect from anyone before like they got from Jeongguk and Empire.

So, they have a massive respect for him.

Jeongguk was not like any other boss they had before

Who were cruel and treat them like a mere puppet.

Jeongguk have been giving respect to every comrade of his.

Jin has taught him to believe in equality.

To believe in work and not in the position between boss and worker.

So Jeongguk didn't demand respect from anyone, but everyone respected him willingly.

They begged for his forgiveness if they happen to have upset him with the work, which was not the case.

Jeongguk was genuinely thankful for the devoted member towards work and for him

But he has already made a decision.

Yes, he had so many responsibilities, but now he wanted to take a rest from all of this.

He wanted to breathe a sigh of relief without even worrying about anything related to Mafia.

He is already so tired with everything.

Furthermore, he wants to be in peace.

Most of all he intends to help Jin Hyung's brother Taehyung who have no one in this world anymore.

Because Jin is no more.

So, he apologized to everyone whose heart he has broken by leaving everything behind.

They all packed their baggage to left at nights.

It's cowardly, but lets them be a coward just this once.

It's not easy for a mafia gang to live a normal life after turning upside down a whole mafia world for years, but at least they can try for a new beginning.

A fresh start, right?

They are a human, after all.

Is it too much to ask?

Sorry for short chapter, next update will be a new beginning with long chapters🙏🙏🙏🙏

Thank ku for comments and votes💜💜💜

Stream Stay Gold 😍😍😍😍😍

Yeorobeon Stay Gold 😁😁😁😁

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