Chapter 34

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Emily's POV

After Tyler's date with Skyler, he found me and Sebastian passed out in the game room. We hanged out after that same night and  the next day him and Skyler were talking and getting  closer. After that a year had passed and Tyler and I never spoke again. He and Skyler had made it official that they were dating and I didn't want to get in the way of that. Hailey and I went to get breakfast when Tyler came to the kitchen. "Hey, guys." He said pouring himself a cup of coffee. "Hey, Tyler." Hailey said standing next to me while I waited for my toast. I gave him a small smile and a wave. Almost as if she knew we were here, Skyler came in. Skyler and I were never that close, we had completely different taste and personalities and she always liked to put me down instead of being the loving sister she should be. 

"Hey, guys! I haven't seen you in so long!" She said giving us both a hug. She was wearing one of Tyler's shirt and his cologne infiltrated my nose making my heart flutter. I sometimes swore that she  knew about my crush on Tyler, but Hailey told me that even if she did she wouldn't do something like this. So, she must really like him. "It's not like we share a room." I say, giving her a small laugh while taking my toast out of the toaster and spreading butter. "Well, Tyler and I have been spending a lot of time together." She said as she wrapped her arms around his waist looking at him with complete admiration. 

That should've been me. 

Tyler looks down at her and wraps an arm around her shoulder giving her a small smile. For a second, I could feel my heart breaking and it took everything I had not to cry right there. "And we're very happy for your guys. But don't forget to visit us." Hailey says trying to end the conversation. Hailey was the only person I could talk to about this and she knew how much it hurt me seeing them together. 

"Yeah, yeah. I'll visit you tonight." Skyler said giving us a huge smile. After that Tyler and her left to buy breakfast. "I swear I thought he liked you, he was always so shy around and he would find a way to talk to you." Hailey said facing me while putting her own toast in the toaster. "Yeah, well that makes two of us." I said taking a bite out of my toast. "Didn't anything happen after their first date?" Hailey asked. The memory was burned into my brain and I remembered it as if it happened yesterday. 

After we put Sebastian in his  room, Tyler had asked me if I wanted to hang out. We went outside were we had the full moon party and we sat down where we had the bonfire looking at the stars. "Sorry about what Skyler said, I hope you know I don't think you're scary or weird." He said scratching the back of his neck. "You don't have to apologize about my sister, Tyler." I said chuckling. It was nothing new, Skyler always thought she was superior than me and I let her walk all over me. 

"How was your date?" I asked looking down at me hands. I started playing with them since I couldn't bring myself to look at him in the eyes. "It was okay. I thought it was a joke when she asked me out, but I guess it wasn't." He said, I looked from the corner  of my eye and he was also playing with his hands. "Wait, she asked you out? She told us you asked her out." I looked  at him with confusion written all over myself. Why would Skyler lie to us? He nodded his head looking at me and then we both fell silent. 

It was starting to get cold but I didn't want to say anything in case he wanted to leave. He must have noticed because he was chuckling and taking his flannel off. "You know, you're pretty quiet, but you could have told me you were cold." He said putting the flannel over my shoulders and sitting closer to me. His cologne quickly engulfed me and I noticed  we were sitting so close together our arms would almost touch. 

"But then you're gonna be cold." I said bringing the flannel closer to me. Hey, I'm cold. Don't blame me. He shrugged and gave me a small smile looking down at me. His brown eyes were so beautiful, whenever he looks at me I swear he feels the same I do. Why couldn't it have been me that went on that date? Why does it feel like everything I want is impossible? 

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