5: You Would Know

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Lucas' personality really pops off in this chapter and I ain't mad at it lmao. I wasn't expecting that but my fingers just kept writing without my permission so we ended up with how it happened. Hope you enjoy it!

Please remember to comment if you're enjoying-- it really gives me the inspiration to keep going knowing that at least someone out there enjoys what I'm putting out lol.


"Isaac..." Lucas trailed off, watching as he stuffed his face with another bowl of mac n' cheese. He was glad the boy wasn't so upset that he couldn't eat, but he was also worried that the amount of food he was consuming would end up making Isaac's stomach quite literally explode.

Alex was right, he thought, face set in a neutral look even though he was disturbed on the inside.

Isaac paused like a kid caught with their hand in a cookie jar, mouth stuffed full but not chewing anymore as he looked up at Lucas.

The rougher-looking man cleared his throat and placed a hand over his mouth to stop the laugh from escaping, emotions foreign to him. He knew he'd made the right choice.

"Would you like to take a dip in the pool with me? After you let your stomach settle, that is," he mumbled out the last part, head tilted to the side.

"You want me to swim? With you?" Isaac asked, swallowing the last of the food in his mouth. His brows furrowed as he looked up at Lucas, heart feeling tight. "Don't you have, like, people to go punish or kill or something? You're here a lot more than I thought you'd be."

Lucas's eyebrows shot up as surprise hit him at all angles. "I'm sorry?" He wasn't used to such disrespect—his men followed orders without so much as a side-glance and they never dared to talk to him that way. Well, all except Alex, anyway.

But, Lucas's brain cut in, that's exactly what you wanted, wasn't it? Something—someone—to make you actually feel something.

Yes... that was what he wanted. He just wasn't used to it. Even at a young age, he'd been respected because it was known that he'd be taking over for his father.

"No," he decided to settle for, not willing to drop down to Isaac's level and get mad like the cheese-mouthed Isaac expected him to. "No one to kill, nor to punish, today it seems. I wanted to swim, and figured it would be nice to have the company of my pretty thing."

Isaac blinked, biting his bottom lip as a blush threatened to creep up his cheeks. He kept it down though and forced a snarl on his lips instead. He couldn't exactly say no, could he? This is what he was here for—those last two words of Lucas' had reminded Isaac of that much. He was here to be Lucas's pretty thing—to look at when he got bored and to put himself into when he felt lonely. Isaac swallowed at those words that rang clearly in his mind.

He promised, though... He'd promised not to hurt Isaac—not to make him do anything he didn't want to do, and because of the situation he was in, Isaac was deciding to give himself some peace of mind and believe those words...even if his stupidity would come back to bite him in the ass. His mind flashed through the conversation they'd had up in his bedroom just a little bit ago, only solidifying his resolve to act as unbothered as he dared.

"Sure," Isaac muttered, "a quick dip sounds nice."

Miranda had been asked to escort Isaac back to his room, where he was told bathing suits could be found in his closet. Miranda's grip was harsh again, in the same spot that a bruise had already formed, making him wince. He didn't dare to say anything to the angry woman, though, not wanting to get into a fight with her again. Apparently, she hadn't understood him the first time—he didn't want to be here but he had to be. He wasn't trying to steal her man.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2021 ⏰

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