Ch. 13- the bracelet II

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Alex wiped her eyes with a crumpled up tissue for what felt like the thousandth time that day. It had been a week since Kate, her love, her life, her teacher had broken up with her and she had lost all direction in life. She really did not know what to do with herself. She knew she should get up and fight for the one she loved, but honestly she just wanted to drown in a pool of self pity. One minute they were fine, the next Kate just point blank refused to be a part of her life.

Alex heaved herself out of bed and got ready for school. She was late again. Who cares? She was actually going to be late for English today, that would probably give Kate another chance to humiliate her, this time in front of the entire class. No. Alex was not going to be embarrassed again. She was going to show Kate exactly what she was missing out on, even if that meant she was really late to class. Well, at least for a moment, all of Kate's attention would be on Alex!

Alex pushed the door open and saw all the eyes of her classmate raise to stare at the beauty before them. The blonde was dressed in a short but not slutty skirt, and a starch white blouse, revealing a hint of cleavage. The outfit screamed 'I'm gorgeous, but hard to get, but you're welcome to try' and Alex had styled it to perfection. She stared straight at Kate, who simply gazed with her jaw open and eyes wide. Kate was definitely impressed. She had that look in her eyes that Alex recognised as lust. Alex knew she had done well.

"Miss Hughes, I'm really sorry for being late!"

"Um...that's fine...sit down," Kate managed to spit out eventually.

All through class, Alex caught Kate's eyes on her and loved it. After class she stayed behind at Kate's desk.

"Alex what are you playing at?"

"What do you mean?" Alex said innocently, twirling her hair in her finger.

"All this," Kate motioned to Alex's attire, "it's distracting!"

"Oh really? You like it huh?"

"No actually! I just want to be apart from you but you can't seem to accept that!"

"Because I love you!"

"And I love you! But we. Cannot. Do. This! End of story!"

"We can! Of course we can!"

"No, Alex, please leave. And don't make a fuss like last time"

"Fine!" With that Alex stormed out of the classroom slamming the door behind her. Seconds later she burst back in and flung something onto Kate's desk before storming out again. Kate picked it up and ran her fingers over the silver bracelet: 'AW and KH forever'.

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