CHAPTER 22: Getting Impatient for that One Call

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Its Alexander Knight's POV😍

Anyone excited?

I hate it when she makes that sad face. I don't want her to cry but I always end up hurting her. I really didn't know what to reply when she asked to give us a chance. I want to but I can't.

When I first met her, she was so nervous to see me. I was thinking why the whole time in the meeting I could feel her starring at me. I doubt she even knew the topic we were discussing.

Then the wedding thing I never wanted to marry anyone because I don't trust any girl after what 'she' did to me. But Dad wanted to see me married. He asked me many times about marriage and my reply was the same. 'No.' I mean what change can a wife bring in your life. My life was going so smoothly with my work and sex. But Dad didn't liked it. So he came to me one day and said that if I marry his friend's daughter then he would hand me over his company too and will retire from work. Merging both our companies would earn us more profit. Every time I told Dad about this he used to tell that he is waiting for the right time. I never wanted him to retire but he said that someday he would need a break from all this work and he has to spend some time with Mom. I guess he was waiting for this correct time only, when he can ask me to get married.

At first I said no to the marriage and I told him that I am happy with my company but that man, knows business so well. He is the only one person who can beat me in business. He showed me that how much profit can I earn if I agree to this offer. So I said yes for the marriage.

When we went to see the girl I didn't had any information about her. I didn't even wanted to see her face. When my Dad told that she has a crush on me and he knew that she wouldn't say no to the marriage, I got really angry. I wanted her to say no. Dad also said that she didn't take long to say yes. His words were just making me more and more angry.

She came down the stairs, I was surprised at first to see her, she was the same girl. She looked really nervous. No wonder why she was sweating in the meeting and was stuttering. Because I am her bloody crush. I thought that I should clear things out between us so I asked her to talk to me privately. That was the first time I saw her hurt when I said that I hate her. After I left the room she was crying her heart out. Well I really don't care. I just hate her. When the next time she cried in front of me I don't know why but it made my heart ache a little.

Staying with her these days has made me realize that I was wrong about her. I thought she wanted to marry me just for my money, I thought her as a slut just like Maddison but no I was wrong Ev is different. When I kissed her on our marriage I could tell it was her first kiss, she was trying to copy what I was doing but I pulled away. I didn't wanted to give her any hopes. But when she kissed me at the reception I lost control over myself and kissed her. It was so different. I have never felt like this kissing anyone. My heart was beating so fast.

I got to know many things about Ev. She is crazy about chocolates and when she gets them she becomes a baby. Then she gets really scared after watching horror movies. Well I didn't got the chance to experience that till now. I only know it because at the wedding due to her nervousness she spilled out everything in front of me. One more thing when she gets nervous she talks a lot. Even if her talks makes sense or not.

Then that Scott guy. If he doesn't stop flirting with my Ev then I'll surely kill him one day. Its not that I am jealous or something it's just I hate that guy. I wanted to kill him on the same moment I saw him dancing with my Ev.

Wait did I just said my Ev for two times?

God this girl is really making me go crazy.

I drove to my company and made my way to my office when I saw Dad waiting for me there.

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