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Chan stirred awake, scanning and seeing 9 more in his living room then normal. He felt something shift on his chest, and a small murmur. Looking down, he saw Jiyun peacefully sleeping on his chest, legs sprawled out behind her. The rest of the guys, along with Yeji were sprawled across the living room. Chan saw the remote in Woojin's hand, meaning that he probably turned the tv off after everyone had fallen asleep.

He tapped Jiyun on the head, and she too stirred awake.

"Let's make breakfast for everyone." Chan said to the sleepy Jiyun.

"I'm comfy though." Jiyun said, clinging onto Chan more.

Chan sighed, lifting Jiyun up and stealthy making his way through the room, to not wake anyone else up. Once the cousin's reached the kitchen, Chan removed the arm that was hooked under her legs and she stumbled out of Chan's grasp.

"Thanks. I'm gonna make some coffee. You wanna start cooking?" Jiyun asked as she headed towards the corner cabinets.

Chan laughed, before nodding. Jiyun couldn't cook for shit. She could only cook things that went in the toaster and microwave, or ramen.

35 minutes later, the kitchen island now had random assorted chairs around it, and the island was set for 11 people. Woojin had woken up about 20 minutes prior, and was taking a shower.

Chan was sipping on his steaming cup of coffee, while Jiyun was starting her second large iced coffee. Jiyun then grabbed her phone, and walked over to the sleeping group. The large default alarm burst through the small apartment, and they rest stumbled awake.

Jiyun burst out in laughter at their places.

"You bitch." Minho mumbled, who was the closest to Jiyun.

"You really wanna say that to the person that made you coffee?" Jiyun said, cocking her eyebrow.

Minho's eyes widened and he got up. At the word coffee, Yeji quickly rolled over, standing up and running over to the island. In the process she rolled over Changbin and kicked her brother.

"You fetus bitch." Jeongin said, glaring at his sister, who ignored him.

"ARIGATO KAMSAMIDA!" Yeji yelled, dashing over and helping herself to pancakes. Jiyun chuckled, petting her best friends's hair.

"I swear- OH THANK YOU MASTER!" Yeji said, bowing to Jiyun as the latter handed her a ice coffee.

Chan sat down next to Woojin and Jiyun started getting herself some food. Soon enough, all 11 friends were eating breakfast together and laughing together.

"And I was like, girl we broke up, stop crawling your crusty ass back to me."

Chan smiled as Jiyun burst out in laughter with Yeji, who were hitting each other. She would get better soon, now that she had loving people around her.

"I wanna get a tattoo." Yeji said.

"Ooh me too." Jiyun said.

"I can help you with that." Changbin playfully winked at Jiyun.

Before Chan could protest, Jiyun scoffed.

"I'm too gay for you, Yeji mommy wanna fuck?" Jiyun said, wiggling her brows at the girl next to her.

"Sure." Yeji said, before a shoe came flying at her head.



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