Chapter 13

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The next morning, Ivy had to wake up considerably early to make breakfast, meaning that Blade and I were both woken up too.

"Guys, I've got to go downstairs." she whispered, trying to climb over me to find her work clothes.

"It's too early!" Blade groaned from the floor.

"Do you want help?" I whispered to Ivy, rubbing my eyes awake.

"Sure, if you wouldn't mind. Blade, are you coming?"

"No way! It's only 7am, I need my sleep." he moaned.

"Okay sleeping beauty, whatever you say." I laughed, getting out of bed.

We soon got dressed and ready and headed downstairs to the kitchen.

I wasn't sure if I trusted Blade in my room alone but he was practically passed out so I didn't worry.

"Okay, let's start the pancakes." Ivy said.

Reed's POV

I'd barely slept the previous night over the guilt I felt. When I woke up, I felt overwhelming regret.

I slept with Evelyn.

I'd only done it to get Julia off my mind and I was drunk...not that that was an excuse.

The moment I woke up and saw her beside me, I got out of bed and left the room.

It was about 8am and I couldn't bare to be anywhere near that woman any longer. I'd seriously messed up.

When I left my bedroom, the door down the hall opened at the same time. I noticed that it was Julia's room and I felt sudden panic, I couldn't face her right now.

But what I saw shocked me. It was Blade leaving her room. He was in the process of putting his shirt on and I felt my blood begin to boil.

Blade had stayed in Julia's room last night, which

Before he saw me, he'd hurried down the stairs and into the kitchen. This wasn't going to go down well.

I know I messed up with Evelyn but this was different. I can't believe they would do this.

I hurried down the stairs, without even getting changed. I needed to see what was happening for myself.

When I entered the kitchen, I was faced with Ivy, Julia and Blade all eating and laughing together.

I clenched my jaw and balled my hands into fists. They were sat beside each other at the kitchen island and I couldn't stand it.

I felt a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach that I'd never felt before. It was strange and I didn't like it.

"Good morning Reed." Ivy said, causing the other two to turn around and face me.

Julia ignored me and went back to eating her cereal. I guess I deserved that.

"Morning Bro." Blade said as he stood up to fist bump me.

I grabbed his fist and held it firmly in my hand without saying a word.

"Woah, what's up?" he asked, looking confused and tearing his hand away from me in slight pain.

"We need to talk on the patio, now." I said, walking outside and slamming the door behind me.

I saw him shrug towards Julia and Ivy as if he didn't know what was going on and I dragged my hands through my hair in annoyance.

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