chapter four

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molly hardy;

   I SLOWLY AWOKEN FROM THE SOUND OF SCREECHING BREAKS THAT BELONGED TO SOME EXPENSIVE BUS COACH BOMBAY HAD RENTED JUST TO TAKE US UP TO TAYLOR FALLS. We were finally here. I wasn't ready, I wasn't prepared. Two weeks of rough training with five strangers I'd be forced to get along with. I didn't entirely mind, I just hated meeting new people. We'd probably be best friends by the end of this.

   Waking up even more, I looked downwards to where a heavy weight was on my shoulder. I knew it was Guy. He always slept on me like a sissy. He was stupid. When I noticed a wet mark on my shoulder coming from his mouth, I grew disgusted.

    "Ew!" I shrieked loudly. I placed my hands on Guy and pushed him up off of me. He bolted away, wiping the drool that had been left on his cheeks, "Guy, you're highly disgusting! Now I'm gonna smell like your drool all day!"

The tired boy sent me a weak smirk while I attempt to dry up the spot with a tissue I had kept in the cup holder between us.

"That means you'll smell better than you usually do!" He proudly responded. I rolled my eyes playfully, shoving the now soaked tissue into his chest.

   "Please, you smell like ass," I said in disgust not realizing Coach Bombay had just walked past us. He stopped. He rose his eyebrows at me and gave me a stern look.

   "Molly, language," he said in a fatherly tone. It was kind of funny when he tried to be serious. Coach Bombay was the biggest kid I knew, a bigger baby than Guy had been. I sighed. I shoved the damp tissue onto Guy's lap which made him shriek letting me know I accidentally hit him in, well, the spot. I didn't intend to. I always did accidentally. "Accidentally" It was quite funny.

   "Sorry," I apologize to Coach. I looked back over at Guy, "Shit. You smell like shit." He ignored me while doubling over in pain. I could tell he was in the verge of tears which made the moment funnier than it already is. I gazed back up at Coach who tried not to crack a grin.

   "I swear I'm going to get a swear jar. All of the money in there will be from you," He snickered. I raised my eyebrows, crossing my arms over my chest.

   "Well, you just swore that you'd get it, so it doesn't look like I'd be the only one putting money in it," I defended myself. Finally, the man could no longer hold back a smile.

   "What are we going to do with you, Miss. Hardy?" He grinned widely down at me who smiled innocently up at him.

   "Shove her in a box and ship her to Guatemala," Guy said with clear pain as he spoke. I smacked the boy upside the head. He groaned even more. "Maybe even further away from that!"

   "Do you want me to hit you in the nuts again, Penelope, because I will gladly do it!" The blonde across from let his eyes widened. Slowly, he backed down knowing that I was quite serious and at any moment would slap him again. I grinned to myself and lowered my hand back down to my lap.

"Alright, team, listen up," Coach Bombay announced from the front of the bus. All eyes turned to him, except for Goldberg who still snored away on the back of the bus, and Jesse & Adam who continued to play some hockey game on their game boys, Coach Bombay who was playing as well not even a few seconds ago. "As much as you all would like some down time, the new recruits are already waiting at the rink. Your luggage will be dropped of at your respected cabins, and no, you cannot choose who you're situated with. Mr. Tibbles and I have already done so for you."

Guy and I immediately looked at each other like two lost puppy dogs. As Mr. Tibbles unfolded a paper with the list of our cabin situation in his hands, I quickly grabbed ahold of Guys hand, the two of us moving close together and crossing our fingers.

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