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couple months later

I headed towards Cassian and Aesop, and I knew they knew I was no longer under the spell. Achille and I already knew what to do. Especially with Vince and Deimos on our side - this would end only one way.

Our way.

Aurelie was with Achille at the moment, but she would be able to be of assistance too. At first I was hesitant - though it seems she has some sort of power we don't.

Now I stood before the two, and saw them look up at me with narrowed eyes.

"Darius you ran off without telling us anything and we couldn't find you-."

"Because I am back to normal. There was no reason for me to speak with you or come back as if I was still yours." I state to them, and they both looked irritated. "You need to see something."

I watch as Achille is suddenly beside me. Aurelie jumping out of his arms and we see her rush to them. They didn't bother running away, but there was shock as to why she was so big.

"You want to show us something? What could you possibly show us?" Aesop hisses, and that's when Aurelie took his hand. Out of nowhere we see him collapse to the ground.

Before Cassian could react Aurelie grabbed his hand too - and he passed out as well. Achille and I both knew what she was showing them...and hoped an altered future... A "what if" would change their mind.

I glance at Achille, a smile growing on my face. He looked amused at the sight of our daughter showing off her powers. Still bothers me that she's still a baby...but you would never know by how she looks.

"Do you think she'll show them what she showed us?" Achille asks me, and I nod in assurance. "Because I was even more convinced by such a alternative."

"Exactly...that's why we have to show them. Maybe we don't have to harm Sabin's kids - they can't help who their father is...hopefully this does something." I state truthfully, and I look at the two of them.

Thinking about what Aurelie showed us. How it puts things into a different aspect and makes me thankful they didn't turn out that way.

Very thankful. Had me remembering what she showed us...

____ten years later____
|alternate future

I stood beside my mom, watching him stand before the food isle. His eyes set on the pasta boxes and he looked a little saddened.

"Mom we don't have to eat anything today. I can drink some of the...alternatives." I recommend to him, and he shook his head.

"You're half human. I have to feed you food too." He says, and picks the bow tie pasta. "Your father used to make me pasta salad. It was surprisingly delicious even though you know how I am."

I nod, smiling as he smiled at me. My mom doesn't really smile a lot. He doesn't really tell me the full story of my father... It's okay though. I already know that he was murdered, rendering me fatherless.

Which I think is sad, because some person took him away from me. My mom gets all emotional and starts to go in these fits of not wanting to speak. He just sits quietly and tears stream down his face.

I have become used to wiping away his tears.

"Mom, can I get some blueberry muffins in the bakery section?" I ask, and he nods.

I walk away from him, and I know you shouldn't let a ten year old walk away from their mother; but I don't look or think like other ten year olds.

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