Set Eight: Problems

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Source: introvertedproblems (tumblr)

16. You really need a job, but you're horrified at the idea of being interviewed and you question if it's really worth it.

17. People think you're bored and not paying attention to anything, when you actually enjoy listening and observing quietly.

18. Loud noises make you anxious.

19. People around you don't know the difference between 'introverted' and 'shy.'

20. Your friends doubt your intelligence because you fail to care enough about gossip and don't respond the way they expect you to.

21. Let's face it: You're kind of a nerd.

22. You don't mind extroverts, you just wish they understood your need for solitude sometimes.

23. Awkward phone conversations when the person is talking 99% of the time because you don't want to talk about yourself.

24. Your family doesn't understand why you need them to ask store clerks/waiters something for you.

25. When you do something awkward, you're going to overthink about it for the next 6 years.

26. Getting nervous before getting a phone call or being the first one to text someone.

27. That moment at a party when you start looking for an escape route.

28. Crowded places like the mall or the grocery store can become twice the headache.

29. When you feel like yu need to talk to someone, but it's just too awkward.

30. When someone you don't know tries to engage in small talk, and your answers are simple and to the point.

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