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"Let's go ladies!" Dawn called into the locker room as everyone finished changing. Today was our friendly match against Australia, and I felt pretty nervous.

Our team is really fucking good, but the Aussie's do have Sam Kerr, and she could be a problem for our defense. 

We all left the locker room and lined up in order, hand in hand with our player escorts. The opening ceremony with the national anthems was kind of a blur, and as soon as the starting whistle blew, it would be head in the game for 90 minutes.

We got off to a great start, with Alex scoring a goal as early as the 14th minute, but not long after, I found myself missing two saves, making the score 1-2 by the 47th minute. I didn't let those goals get to me though, not after having more coaching since our first friendly against France. There was still a lot of time left.

Just a few minutes after half time, Tobin scored, then after that, Pinoe scored, and then Mal scored. We were up 4-2  in the 67th minute, and things were looking good. That is, until Sam Kerr sliced right through our back line and took a shot, which sailed fast me so quickly, I almost couldn't see it.

Now the score was 4-3 in the 81st minute, and we needed a bigger lead with less time if we wanted to win this.

Shots kept being fired off on both sides, but were blocked. No one had scored, and then stoppage time started. It all came down to this.

Both teams played super aggressively, but it seemed no one could make a shot off. 

Then suddenly, Mal was running down the field, launching the ball into the goal in 95th minute, giving us a two point lead. 

Our defense held out for the last minute of the game; until the final whistle blew, and then we celebrated. I wasn't as proud of this game as I was my last, because I allowed more goals in, but it still felt nice to win. 

Everyone high fived the other team then went off to go sign jerseys. It was always fun interacting with the fans, and I gave my signed gloves away to a little girl who wants to be a goalkeeper when she's older, and I took about a million pictures. 

Once we all showered and changed, we loaded onto the bus and headed back to the hotel. A few days after our last game against Spain,  we had flown from Spain back to the US, and had been training on Colorado ever since. 

The team was super cheery on the way back, and we sang songs the whole way, much to Jill's annoyance. 

Once back at the hotel, we sat down for a very fun team dinner, before Jill told us she was giving us the day off tomorrow, which meant we had a free night ahead of us.

"Guys! Movie night in our room!" Pinoe announced. Everyone cheered as they walked up to their rooms to change into more comfortable clothing. 

"Yo Kells I'll come up soon, I'm just going to call my mom." 

"Aww Y/n loves her mommy!" She teased. 

I glared at her and shoved her. "Shut up!" I laughed.

"Hey! Kids, no fighting!" Alex playfully scolded us, to which my response was sticking my tongue out.

"Oh, real mature Y/n." She snorted. 

"Psh, I'm the kid of the group." I said with a smug smile. The forward just rolled her eyes and followed the rest of the team to the elevator.

I walked to the little lounge in the back courtyard of the hotel. First, I called my mom, and she congratulated me about the win. I gave her a short run down of the teams plans until June. After that, I called my aunt, and we somehow ended up only talking about Alex, which tends to happen every time I call her.

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