Game On

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3rd person POV. (Friday)
The class had headed to the change rooms, whilst excited for the games, everyone wanted to question Izuku on why he chose Mineta of all people. It's not like he liked him, Midoriya didn't like how he harassed all the girl, he said it destructed. Having not shown up yet, most of the class went out to Ground Beta, leaving behind a concerned Todoroki and Iida. Bakugo was there as well, but he wanted to have a 'talk' with him. He showed up a couple of minutes later, after everyone had changed. All three were standing behind the opposing wall, Izuku unaware of their presence. Izuku looked around, check to make sure no one was there. The three hiding students glanced at each other, all of them thinking, 'Why is he making sure he is alone'. Todoroki pulled out his phone and started recording, much to the silent annoyance of Iida. Despite thinking he was alone he wasn't the boy's eyes widen in shock as he pulls off his shirt. Izuku winces in pain as the stitches stretch the wound across his chest. He pauses for a minute, leaning against the wall for support before slipping into his hero costume. He puts on a smile and goes to leave the change rooms. The boys who were standing at the door hide behind the opposing side of the change room, praying they were not seen. They don't dare to breath as Izuku walks out of the change room, as though he wasn't in any pain whatsoever. As Izuku walks around the corner the boys walk out of their hiding place as look at each other. Bakugo is the first to speak up, "Why the fuck does that shitty nerd have a huge cut across his chest? Half 'n' Half, four eyes, did he say anything to you two losers?" "No", they both responded at the same time. "If he doesn't say anything, appears to be in more pain, or gets more injured. We tell Aizawa and All Might after class. Agreed?", says Todoroki. The boys nod at each other with hesitation, but in agreeance before walking off to class. Once the three boys arrived at class, Aizawa and All Might explain how to catch people. They either need to be unconscious, tagged, or the game will be stopped by the teachers themselves, if things get out of hand. With the explanation finished, the teams proceeded to the center of Ground Beta. The blare of the siren echoes across the field, all the teams scatter in different direction, expect, the team of Izuku Midoriya.

Izuku's POV.
The obnoxiously loud siren blared across the field, all the teams began to scatter. 'Just as I thought, they want to distance themselves between the others to limit the chance of getting caught. Smart, but not smart enough...' I begin to think of a plan on how to defeat the other teams when I hear, "Deku!". I turn to see Jiro, waving her hand in front of my face. I take a step back before saying, "Yes Jiro?" She gives me a look which screams of annoyance. "Well?" she says, "Aren't we gonna leave, get away from the center of the city?" I give her a glare; she was stunned by the annoyance on my face, I respond, "No, that would be the dumbest thing for us to do." Everyone is taken back by my response, before Tokoyami speaks up, "Then what are we going to do?" I'm silent for a few seconds before asking, "Todoroki, how long can you use your ice for?" The group looks at Todoroki. "I can use it as long as I need, but if I don't use my fire to counter it, I will freeze up", he responds. "Perfect", I say smirking, "I have an idea. Listen up." The group converges around me as I speak. "Ok, so first off. Mineta, I want you to go around the alleyways, pipes, roofs or anywhere else that is surrounding our position and place as many of your balls as you can. Except, for the main road which leads to the entrance. Keep this going the whole time, slowly expand how far they stretch out, don't miss anywhere. Got it?" He nods running off to complete his task, I turn back to the group. "Jiro, Todoroki, I want you to position yourself on top of the building next to us. As soon as the start siren Todoroki, I want you to freeze a dome over the entire city. I also need you to freeze large pillar hanging from the top of the dome. As many as you can. Once that is done, I will lure the other teams to our location. Tokoyami, Dark Shadow and I will take them out once they get caught in the traps or come in the front. We will need you to keep an eye out and take out people if they attempt to sneak up on us, got it?" The three that remain, look at me in surprise, before nodding and getting into position. I run to the top of the building, diagonally across from Todoroki and Jiro. We had 7 minutes left to wait. Good luck everyone, you will need it.

3rd person POV.
All Might and Aizawa had finished the explain to the class before heading to the viewing booth. The two teachers entered the booth, turning on the cameras and drone, they watched the teams of students make their way towards the center. Both noticed Izuku hanging towards the back, away from his group. He looked like he was deep in thought, the two teachers glanced at each other, sharing a knowing look. All the students had made their way to the center of the grounds, Aizawa pressed the button and activated the 10-minute planning and preparation time. They watched as all the students ran in different directions with their teams, well, all except for one. Izuku Midoriya's team. His team had been interesting from the start, with a range of what seemed to be randomly selected students. They watched as he just stood there, ignoring his team's mates as they tried to get his attention. The teachers sat in uncomfortable silence for a few moments before Aizawa said, "I know Midoriya is a nervous kid, but I thought he was getting better. He seems distracted, don't you think, All Might?" All Might thought about this for a few seconds before responding, "You are correct Erasure Head, he has been acting strange since Wednesday. I got a call from Ms. Midoriya at around 9pm saying he hadn't come home from school. After all the villain attack's I went over to ask her if he had said anything about going anywhere. She said no of course, I calmed her down and we talked for a bit. He later showed up at almost 1am, he said he had been training at the gym and lost track of time. However, I looked it up and all the gyms in a 100km radius close at 8pm, that means he was lying to us and I have no clue why he would lie to me or his mother. He seemed on edge when he showed up though." They returned to the screen to see the students had 7 minutes left, and that the only one standing there Tokoyami. They looked on the drone to see Todoroki and Jiro on a roof, Midoriya on another roof, diagonal to Todoroki and Jiro, then finally Mineta running around placing his balls everywhere. The two teachers looked at each other confused, 'what are they doing?', they asked themselves. They watched for the next 7-minutes as Mineta ran around placing balls everywhere, and the others, well, they just stood in there positing, waiting in silence.

(Pink is Mineta, black X is Tokoyami, red X is Todoroki, purple X is Jiro, green X is Izuku)(Where they are standing, sorry that there is stuff around it, i couldn't get rid of it)

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(Pink is Mineta, black X is Tokoyami, red X is Todoroki, purple X is Jiro, green X is Izuku)
(Where they are standing, sorry that there is stuff around it, i couldn't get rid of it)

Well except for Midoriya, he was talking to himself? "What in the world is he doing", asked Aizawa, "is he talking to himself?" "It does appear that Young Midoriya is talking to himself, that's normal thought, he mutters to himself all the time." All Might said in response. The teachers watched as the timer hit 0. All Might hit the buzzer, sounding the siren. Then, without warning, the screen turned a see through blue and all the drones started going offline. 

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