Chapter 5

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The alarm clock rang in Evie's room. The sound was piercing and hurting her ears so much. She abruptly woke up and smashed the alarm clock. It took her a second to realized what she did. She widened her eyes and parted her lips, shocked. She didn't think twice. Her body reacted by itself. She cursed and sat on her bed. She then heard footsteps coming towards her room. They were distinct, just like if she was next to the person like there were no walls and doors to block the sound from her.

"Evita?" Her mother called. Evie quickly hid the destroyed alarm clock under her bed. Now she had to buy a new phone AND a new alarm clock. She also had to find a new excuse. Evie told her mother she dropped her cellphone in the toilet. "What was that sound?" Sue asked as she opened the door. Her voice was clear and net. It was so strange to Evie.

"I, uh, I fell from the bed," she just answered. Her mother frowned.

"... Okay, but be more careful"

Evie nodded and her mother left the room. Evie could clearly hear everything. And by everything, she meant EVERYTHING. The water in the pips, the gas stove, the wind and the bird outside, and even Seth putting his school supplies in his backpack. So after the inhuman strength, the sudden growth, the highly developed smelling, the new side effects was the highly developed hearing. That new one was about to be troublesome.

Evie prepared herself and after a moment, she took her motorbike and drove off to school. On the road, she tried to focus on the road and ignore her knew ability but it was a lost cause. When she heard the strong sound of a horn of a car, she felt a huge pain in her ear. She was so hurt that she lost control of her motorbike but managed to control it again. The ride to the school was pretty hard. When she arrived at school, it was worse. She could hear EVERY conversation at meters around. Her head was filled with all the voices of people in the hall. It was painful. She couldn't even hear her own thoughts. Fortunately, Evie was controlling a bit more her smelling. If she couldn't, the addition of the highly developed smelling and hearing would be the death of her. It would be too much.

At her locker, she leaned next to it and opened it. She tried to block the voices out but miserably failed. She kept hearing all the conversation. It was so annoying. Evie took her books. She was about to close her locker when she saw the notes she took during her free period when she did searchings the day before. She founded nothing similar to what was happening to her. She did find somethings about vampires but not about people like her. At first, she thought that she was a werewolf but the definition of it wasn't like her. She wasn't a child of the moon. She didn't transform into a giant wolf on a night of the full moon. Yes, there was a moon but it wasn't full. Besides, werewolves don't control themself. However, even if Evie was acting out of anger, she still kind of knew what she was doing. She still had her consciousness. The strident sound of the bell erupted in the hall. Evie slightly jumped and put her hands over her ears, shutting her eyes closed, trying to ignore the sound and the pain.

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