Day 8

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Stiles/ Thomas' PoV:

I was woken up to Newt rubbing my head saying: "Tommy Get up we are about to land."

"UGh fine." I sadly say.

"Yo Shank how mad do you think my Sister is gonna be at me?" Minho asks me. Since he told me about his sister being Kira.

I laugh and just say: "Min, Kira will so kill you!"

"Thanks for the conference, you shank." Minho says as he turns to talk to T again.

~Getting of of plane~

"So Tom can I crash at your house? Cuz let me guess Newt is gonna stay over as well." T asks me.

"Yes of course you twi are staying at my house! Unless you wanna stay with Minho." I say with a laugh.

"Nope I am good with you!" She says.

"Hey shuckfaces what if Newt stays with me and Tom you get T. Fair? Fair. Good!" Minho says.

"Fine." I sag with a pout. "Oh Min are your parents or sister picking you up?"

"Kira Is picking me up. And Newt." He says as we get to the exit of the airport.

I see Kira wave over at Minho. "Welp that is our ride Newt. Go ahead and Kiss Tom and get it over with." Min says making Newt and I laugh.

Newt gives me a quick kiss and says: "Love ya Tommy. See you later" and walks off with Minho.

"Well T lets go find where I parked my Jeep." I sag with a laugh putting my arm around her shoulder.

"Are you sure your dad is gonna be okay with me staying over at your house?" Teressa asks me.

"Yes T, you will be fine. You are practically my sister." I sag as we find my jeep. "Hop in"

As we drive back home we are just sitting in a comfortable silence.

And just like that we arrive home. "Welcome to your new home T!"

"This is awesome Tom! Thank you!" She says and I just nod. We get our stuff out if mg Jeep and walk to the front door. I get my keg out and walk in.

"I don't think mg dad is here." I say seeing that is car wasn't in the driveway. And so I text him that J am home with T.

"So you get the guest bedroom." I sag and she nods and we go and put our things away.

About an hour later T comes into the Living room.

"Hey Tom Imma get a shower. Then can we watch Star Wars?" Teressa asks me.

"Heck ya! Best night ever!" I say. But add: "Can Newt and Minho come too?"

"Yes your boyfriend and your best friend can come. Now imma get a shower." She says as she walks up the stairs.

"Call me if you need anything!" I say which T responds with a: "Fuck you"

~10 minutes later and Newt and Minho are over~

"How long has T been in the shower?" Minho asks.

"What? You miss her?" I tease him.

"Ov you know I don't swing that way. And neither does T!" Min sasses me.

"Literally she got in before you came here." I say.

"Oh ok. Oh and Kira was really surprised that we are back. Who knows what she has planned." I say.

Third PoV:

Scott got on his motorcycle when he heard that Stiles is back. He heard that Kevin was going over to his house. So Scott decided to go and see how they know each other.

Knock Knock

Stiles came over and answered the door.

"Scott? WhAt are you doing here?" Stiles asked him.

"Heard you were back and I wante-" Scott was cut off by a: "Hey Tom! Can you come here real quick?" A voice yelled down to Stiles.

This made Scott confused.

"Ok T coming!" Stiles replied and ran up the stairs.

"Why would she need help from Stiles of all things?" Scott asked.

"Well you see Thomas and Teresa have this bond. Sorta like Twins." The blond said. Making Scott confused as to why he called him 'Thomas'. 

Thomas's Room

"T what do you need?" Thomas said coming into his room.

Teresa was sitting in his chair with a cloth over her stomach. She was in her bra and a pair of Thomas's black sweatpants. Thomas saw that some of her stitches on her stomach came out and therefore there was a good bit of blood. "Aah I see." Thomas replied going to get things to fix her up.

"Thanks Tom." Teresa said as Thomas finished stitching her back up. "So who is all here?"

"Minho, Newt, and my old friend before the maze. Scott." Thomas said going to get a light blue sweatshirt, similar to the one he had but just without a hood.

A/N: No I didn't steal Part of My other story for this last bit. That would be crazy!

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