Chapter 25

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A/N: This is the second chapter I've posted today. Please read Chapter 24 first. Thank you, dear readers. <3


The more I walked around Holy Cross, the more it reminded me of that suburban community in Edward Scissorhands. Not that it contained cookie-cutter residential development houses. With its sculpted perfection, I felt as though I'd stepped through a magical portal. 

It's our first date! 

Or is it a date?

Who knows? Who cares? Eric will be there.

As I followed Helen, we descended more flights of stairs than I could count because the campus had been built on a hill. I'd burn lots of calories walking around here. That much was certain. 

We traversed a bridge that led from the main road to another brick building covered in ivy. My heart thudded with anticipation and not just because Helen walked at a brisk pace. I bet Care had never had palpitations this bad, and she drank enough caffeine to kill a small horse.

Oh, my gosh! Eric!

"This is Stein Hall, the center for languages and the humanities," Helen said as she held open the glass door for me. It opened into a wide foyer with beige walls, light-gray carpets, and soft lighting from overhead fixtures. "If you go here, this will probably be your second home."

Imagining that I was one of these students prompted a dreamy smile. "And Eric's here?"

Helen grinned. "Yep, the MRC is on the third floor."


"Multimedia Resource Center," she replied. "The language labs."

"Great, I'd love to check them out."

We took the staircase. Because my head was in the clouds, rehearsing everything I'd say to Eric, I managed to trip over my own feet even though we were going upstairs. That took talent.

Clumsy idiot!

"Are you okay?" Helen asked with a concerned look.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I replied with a casual wave of my hand. "Just a bit nervous."

Way to be cool, Jess.

She descended a few steps towards me. "If it helps, I'm sure guys are even more scared of us," she whispered with an encouraging smile.

I chuckled. "I'm excited about seeing the labs. That's all." Helen gave me an incredulous look. "No, really. I'm serious. Like him and's not what you think."

"Perhaps," she said in a faint whisper, "but I bet he's nervous too."

"He probably has a girlfriend anyway," I muttered under my breath in a vain attempt to calm my nerves and return to Planet Earth. "He's just being nice and showing me the labs."

Helen chuckled.

"Wait, sorry. Oh, gosh. Are you guys...?"

What if Care had gotten it wrong? What if Helen was bi? What if she actually did like him?

Oh, this is a nightmare. Why didn't you keep your mouth shut?

She gave me a puzzled look when we reached the landing. "What? Eric and me?" She burst out laughing and shook her head. "Hon, we're great friends." She winked. "But I bat for the other team."

Oh, yay!

She gave me a broad smile. "No competition here."

"Between us, I don't bat for any team," I said in a muted whisper. "In fact, while you all are at the ball game, I'm playing D&D with friends or watching a Star Wars movie marathon."

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