Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine
I truly didn't expect to actually end up going on this camping trip. When I approached Momma with the topic her face lit up. She went on and on about how sweet 'that Caleb boy' was. It was like hearing her call a tarantula adorable. I stood there, my mouth hanging open, as she told me how great of an idea it was. I had only said one sentence and she was already saying yes, it didn't take any convincing.
I decided to bring up the fact that there would be five boys there. This woman had the audacity to look at me and say 'If I was worried about you doing something with a boy I wouldn't let Eliot sleep over'. As if Elie could be compared to the five boys I would be spending the night with.

Since my mother was a bust, my next hope was Vikki. I called her bright and early in the morning, knowing full well she would be cranky and tired. Normally I wouldn't be up so early but Elie was a morning person. He was up at the crack of dawn, he also woke up on the floor. It seemed like I won the battle.

The only time I would be able to talk to Vikki about the trip was when Elie was showering. If Elie knew about the trip he would lose it. I wasn't planning on arguing with him again. At the time I was pretty sure I wouldn't be going anyway, so it wouldn't matter if Elie knew or not. This was secret number three I was keeping from Elie.

Vikki was not pleased to get a call from me so early. The plan was going well so far. I brought up the trip and said how we should go. The second I mentioned camping she was out. She refused to go out in the 'wilderness'. Then everything went downhill. She questioned me on who all was going and the second 'Chase' left my mouth she was suddenly Bear Grylls. It figured that a boy would be the one thing that could actually get her to go camping.

I had managed to convince Elie to go home before ten. He usually stayed all day but I told him I had to help Vikki with something at ten. He seemed like he thought I was being suspicious but didn't argue.

Caleb called me at nine. I didn't even know I had his phone number but apparently when I wasn't looking he programmed his name into my phone under 'My Knight in Shining Armor'. Very classy.

When he asked me if I was able to go, I didn't have an excuse as to why I couldn't. This led to Vikki and I waiting outside with our bags packed. Caleb waited beside me, he had three tents with him and was dressed in a pair of khaki shorts and a light teal t-shirt. Vikki and I both wore jeans and a t-shirt. She complained about it, stating that it 'wasn't sexy enough'. I told her camping really wasn't the place to be sexy. The three of us were sitting on the curb waiting for Evan, who was now half an hour late. Vikki was already whining about how the sun was too bright. "Chase will be there," I reminded her.

"I don't know what you're implying," she turned her gaze away from me, but I could tell she was struggling to hide a smile.

Caleb raised one eyebrow at me, "I told you she was more interested in Chase than I was," I informed him.

He chuckled, "I see what you mean now,"

Finally, Evan came strolling down the road. He parked in front of us, "What took you so long?" Caleb yelled.

Evan shrugged, "I figured you'd want to spend some more alone time with Annabeth over here,"

Caleb raised his middle finger. Evan gasped, "That is unholy Caleb! I cannot allow that kind of behavior in my car. It looks like I'll just have to take the girls with me, but don't worry I'll take care of them," he winked at us, "good care,"

I rolled my eyes. "I think I'm good," I looked at Vikki, "Sadly, I think Vikki has someone else she'd rather have take care of her,"

Evan morphed his voice into that of a twelve-year-old girl, "OMG! A boy, who is it? Is he just dreamy? What color are his eyes?"

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