4| Strictly professional

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"Get a cat, he said. Cats are low maintenance. We can look after it together." I huff and pour some food in Mulan's bowl before turning on the coffee machine. Mulan somehow manages to meow and eat, which is annoying, but also impressive – almost as impressive as me curling my hair while chugging back coffee.

By the time I get to work, I'm my usual composed self. I totter through the lobby and into the elevator, my finger dithering on seven before I sigh and press for six. One day I will be on that floor; I'm certain of it.

The doors open, and I walk into the office to see it's even more festive than yesterday. Someone's put snow globes on every single desk, and tinsel now hangs from the tiles on the ceiling; this is my version of a nightmare.

I take a seat opposite Jess, who has been getting in early these past few weeks after consistently getting in late. She hasn't said so, but I have a feeling Laurelle must have had a talk with her, because now she's a whole new Jess. That's the thing about Laurelle: she lets you make one mistake and one mistake, only. After that, you're gone.

I switch on my computer and glance over at Milo, who as usual, is at his desk. He's already got a coffee by his side as he furiously types away, leaving me to wonder who he's emailing. I start to settle down, and Jess tells me about an article she read about online dating. I'm her only single friend, so of course she immediately thought of me.

I give her a look that says, Are you crazy? "Do you know how many people get murdered because of Tinder?" 

"Do you?" she asks.

"Well, no, but it's got to be a lot. Anyway, I don't want to meet a stranger. I don't want to meet anybody."

Jess rolls her eyes as she gets back to work. "I'm just saying, you did so well when you kissed Milo at that Christmas party. I mean, before you knew it was Milo. You need to get some of that momento back. Take the initiative."

"Thank you, love guru Jess. Can I get back to work now?" I don't wait for her answer, and she doesn't give me one. I flick through my emails, surprised to find one from Milo. I lean forward in my chair and eagerly read the message:


I'd like to take the opportunity to let you know that regardless of who gets this upcoming job promotion, I wish you good luck and all the best in the future.


Milo Woods

I read it and then re-read it at least five times. Why is Milo emailing me to wish me good luck? Is this some sort of tactic? Did he send the same to Harry and Patricia? Is it all part of the process to see how cordial we are in the face of our reckless mistake? Well, I won't let him win. I start typing furiously, and Jess looks up at the constant clonking sound, clearly amused.

My email reads:

Dear Milo,

Thank you for your email. I appreciate your well wishes and wish you all the best in return. I'm sure that whatever happens, we will continue to work together amicably, as is the Long Bridge way.

Kind regards,

Kennedy James

I send the email and watch him. He's typing away but stops when his computer lets out a ping. He clicks at his mouse, quickly scanning the screen. After a second or two, his eyes flit to mine.

I glance away and get back to work. I know what he's doing – it's typical behavior for someone who's worried about their job. He's trying to throw me off my game by playing little mind games, but it won't work on me. I am always two steps ahead.

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