Chapter 30: Somehow I Know When We Finally Lock Eyes, That You Feel The Same Way

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Lauren's POV:

I woke up, the room pitch black, consumed by complete silence... Panic began to settle in as I tried to get up from were I was laying down- but it wasn't until I tried to move from my slightly awkward and uncomfortable position that I realised I couldn't move... at all...

It felt as if there was a huge weight pressing on my chest, almost stopping me from moving altogether. I tried to calm myself down- inhaling deeply as I tried to control my breathing...

I was immediately met by the scent of vanilla shampoo and the familiar smell of Camila's perfume... So it wasn't a dream... Last night really did happen...

I smiled and began to relax... my breathing slowed and my eyes began to adapt to the darkness that had filled the room since we had fallen asleep... Camila was laying in my arms, her body almost completely smothering mine... She was practically giving me a koala hug- her legs and arms wrapped around my sides even as she slept. Whenever I moved Camila would tighten her grasp on my body, pulling me impossibly closer into her own...

Her face was nuzzled into my neck and I kissed her forehead gently as I tried to enjoy the moment... Camila was laying peacefully in my arms as she slept... so, instead of waking her, I closed my eyes, finding myself drifting off to sleep incredibly quickly...

I wanted to savour the moment, I wanted to enjoy every last second I got to spend with Camila but soon, I felt myself succumbing to the fatigue I was feeling...

Gradually I felt my whole body relax and my breathing slow as I drifted back to sleep...

Camila's POV:

"Camz... Camz, come on you need get up, we have to get to work..."

I was woken up by the sound of Lauren's voice whispering gently into my ear... If I didn't know any better- I would have got up right there and then and done something about the goosebumps that had began to appear all over my skin, and the tingling sensation that I began to feel all over my body...

I felt Lauren's steady breaths against the side of my face- causing the hairs on the back of my neck to stand on end... I felt her move even closer- kissing me gently on the cheek as she patiently waited for a response...

"uhhhhhhh..." was all I managed to let out... I let out another frustrated groan as I felt her teeth gently nip my earlobe-

"Camz... I mean it, we're going to be late if I let you sleep in any more... come on, you need to have a shower and get dressed..."

I heard Lauren chuckle lightly as she began to shake my shoulders and pull on my arms- trying everything she could to get me off of the sofa...

Eventually, she turned to her last resort- as she started placing gentle kisses around my cheek, jaw and neck as she desperately tried to wake me up...

"Will you join me in there?" I managed to let out as I opened my eyes... gradually letting them adjust to the light that was now entering the room. I managed to give Lauren a quick wink before she locked her green orbs onto my brown ones- with a large grin on her face.

"Not today Camz, we don't have long so you really need to hurry up... I know I'm your girlfriend but I'm also your boss... so, you need to be on your best behaviour otherwise I'll have you doing paperwork for the foreseeable future... no business trips or meetings for you-"

"-You wouldn't do that..." I quickly sat up- met by the huge smile that was now plastered all over Lauren's face... "You love me too much to do that..." I added nervously, watching Lauren intently as she slowly made her way over to me...

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