Chapter 10

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excuse any mistakes

Kaymoni | Kay
Somerville, TN

"I have a project planned for you guys." The teacher announced and everyone groaned.

"It's the end of the school year why the hell we still doing work?" A boy said making a face.

"First of all Kevin if you swear one more time in my class you will be sent out. Second you guys still have a whole month before school is out, and i'm just doing what i've been told." She explained.

"Ok this project will include partners of two which i will be assigning." She said before looking through her desks for papers.

I sighed laying my head down.

"When i saw your names please get with your partner."

"Jermane and Emily."

"Morgan and Shanon."

"See no i cannot work wit ha." Morgan said.

"Bitch don't nobody wanna work wit you either." Shannon mugged her.

"Suck it up, you will work together today." The teacher shrugged. "Go." Morgan rolled her eyes before getting up to sit next to her partner.

"Kaymoni and Mike." She said.

"Wassup." A boy who i'm guessing is Mike sat next to me.

I gave him a head nod before putting my attention back on the teacher. After she announced the partners she began explaining the project.

"It is actually very easy." She started. "We will test how the addition of salt and other substances to water affects the freezing point of the water-based solution." She walked around handing everyone a project sheet.

"Get out a pencil and paper to write down what in about to say next." She told us. "Their are two questions you will be answering at the end of the experiment: Is rock, salt, and ice the best combination for freezing ice cream and how does adding salt or sugar affect the freezing point of water."

"Starting Wednesday we will be going to the lab to test out the experiment. Your partner comes to play when you all will do your final analysis, in your slideshow."

"Thursday, Friday, and all of next week we will be in the lab. After that you all will have three days to finish up your slideshow and present it to the class on my due date, which is located at the bottom of your hand out sheet."

"The slideshow thing, we doing dat in class or at home?" A student asked.

"At home but if you do not have access to a computer or phone please see me at the end of class and we shall discuss that." She explained. "Got it?"

"Yea ma'am." We all said. The bell rung and she dismissed us.

"So when you wanna meet up for this shit?" Mike asked walking next to me.

"Discuss it once we ina lab?"

"Ight." He nodded and walked off. Pooh didn't come today and i didn't have any classes with Aaliyah. I sighed hard walking as slow as possible to my next class.

"Why you so quiet?" Darius, a close associate asked sitting next ta me.

"Nun i'm just ready ta leave." I shook my head. I dun had a long ass day plus i'm cramping like fuck. The only thing i want ta do is lay up and sleep.

"You heard bout the party this weekend?"

"Nope, where it's gone be?"

"Southend. You going?"

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