Chapter 1

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"You need to wake up if you want to catch a ride with me!" my mom shouts from the kitchen. I've always hated mornings. It's like I go to sleep full of energy and wake up tired, crazy I know.

"I mean it Ava! I'm leaving in 30 minutes" she continues as I finally manage to drag myself out of bed and head to the bathroom.

This is our daily routine, I stay in bed even after waking up waiting for her to start shouting, then I get up and prepare for school while dragging my feet, school is a place I don't really feel like going to but have to go. The one place where people make friends, hang out, participate in sports activities, then there's me. Ava Anderson, the loner, always by myself with my books and headsets.

I took interest in reading novels from a young age, my mom being a librarian also contributed to that, she would bring home some books or I'd visit her workplace and pick my own books. I always took interest in reading fiction stories about wolves and vampires, in all books I've read they've always gone head to head with the vampires and I still can't decide which side I'm on between the two, I always found all of  them fascinating, an escape from the real world where I don't have friends to hang out with, not that I ever tried too hard to make friends ofcourse. I was just never into hanging out in groups and things like that. I find that I can't easily start a conversation or comment on one when there is a crowd fot the fear that I might say something dumb

"I'm giving you an extra five minutes Missy or you'll catch a bus to school" she yells again as I finish packing my bag

"I'm done" I say as I walk into the kitchen and grab an apple

"You know, if you made an effort to wake up early you would actually have time to eat real breakfast than these apples you eat everyday"

"Apples are fruits and fruits are healthy, right?" I joke with a smirk. Truth be told I've never been a breakfast person unless we are having pizza for breakfast.

I rush behind her after locking the door and get in the car. My mom drops me off and I go through my normal daily routine of attending my classes and finding a corner to read my novel during break time

Later I walk to my mom's workplace, the library she works at isn't so far from school so on days where I'm lazy to catch the bus I go there and keep myself busy with novels while waiting for her to knock off.

" I'll be done in two hours, go see if there aren't any wolf or vampire books you can read to keep busy" she smiles at me then turns back to her computer screen

I walk around the checking out the fiction stories shelf, I had already read most of the books there so browsing for a new book takes a lot longer than I expected, I eventually don't feel like reading anymore so I decide to sit on a couch next to my mom's desk and put on my headsets to listen to music and before I knew it I dozed off.

"hey, it's time to go" my mom said while shaking me softly. We made our way to the car and while driving I noticed she was a lot more quiet today. Trust me there's days when I pray my mom would just keep quiet and not talk because she was always trying to convince me to make new friends or be more outgoing and I always rolled my eyes and felt irritated whenever she started this but today she wasn't talking, at all and that worried me.

Being my only present parent while my dad travels the world living large with his new wife, I always worry about my mom even though she always assures me that she's doing good and honestly she seems to be doing good, hell my mom's social life is a lot more interesting than mine.

"Are you ok?" I asked as we got in the house. She kept quiet for a while while going through the normal routine of taking off her shoes the minute she stepped in the house

"Yes honey, I'm ok... I just had a long day" I'm sensing some hesitation and that's when I know that something is definitely wrong. "come on mom, out with it... You know I'll find out either way" I press on. I love moments where it seems like we've traded places and I become the parent while she is the child.

"ok, you're right.. You'll know anyway because this involves you too" I  look at her not wanting her to change her mind about telling me what's happening then she continues "So remember I've been sending job applications in other towns for the past few months?"

"Yea, did you finally get a response?" I ask excitedly, I know how much she wants to move a step up in her career

" I got a job offer today, as a head librarian" she says and I sense some hesitation in her tone

"wow! That's awesome news mom, I know how much you've wanted this and it's finally happening... But I get the feeling you aren't too happy about it" I said while studying her face, she looks  more worried than happy and I can't understand why, I mean this is a chance of a lifetime for her.

"Yea. Im very happy, it's just that if I take this job it means we have to move and you have to change schools. I know you like it here and I don't want to disrupt your life sweety"

"Mom, my life is basically me going to school and reading books. Surely I can do that in any part of the world, besides I'm heading to college the next year so I'll have to move either way." I say but she still doesn't look convinced so I move closer and put my hands on her arms

" Mom, I don't mind moving now. I won't be leaving anything or anyone behind and just knowing that you finally have your dream job would be enough for me" She suddenly looks less worried  and gives me a bear hug, more like squeezing the life out of me

"oh sweety, you have no idea how happy I am to hear you say that"

"ok mom, now let me go. I can't breathe". She laughs as she let go then she picks up her shoes and walks to her bedroom while I get ready to start cooking supper. Very soon we will be moving to a new place, it is exciting and scary at the same time but maybe it won't be that bad.

This will be another one of our adventures, Just my mother and I

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