Chapter 37

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*Ava's POV *

A few  days passed and everything was still peaceful,Alpha Leo's fighters were getting along with the other fighters and it seemed calm. The only thing that was bothering me was my heart, it was so sore, all I could think about was Xander. He's condition hadn't changed much and the culprit was yet to be found.

The older girls were starting with their training, Dylan finally gave in and agreed to include the girls in the training. It would benefit the pack as well and it felt good to empower young women with defense skills. What Dylan doesn't know is that I started training months ago with Xander privately. He didn't want to encourage the other girls so he suggested we do it secretly.

I went to check how everything was going in the field and Dylan let his students train on their own and he approached me.

"everything seems to be working out just fine" I said

"yes, so far it's good.. You're doing a good job"

"I have a strong support system" I offered

"yes you do... And with that, word has it that the dark moon is planning an attack on us, they believe they can get us to surrender and take over before the Alpha wakes up"

"do you think it's true?"

"it seems to be, I mean we knew we were compromised from the beginning, we are like a bone that every dog wants to pick. Mainly because they know how strong and well off our pack is"

"and also because they know the current female Alpha is a human" I thought out loud

"you've done well to secure our safety so far Ava, don't doubt your abilities"

"I know, finish with your training. You'll find me in the office. Then we can talk this and see if we can't resolve it peacefully"

With that I walked to the office and researched about the dark moon pack, they were a smaller pack compared to ours with 130 fighters while we have 220 fighters. So for them this seemed like a suicide mission considering we had 30 extra fighters from Alpha Leo's pack.

I really wanted to avoid a pack war, no doubt we could win but it could leave us crippled with less fighters which then makes it easier for other packs to attack after them. I needed to find a way to stop this before it even goes far. I don't need any blood to be spilled on my watch

Dylan came in a while later "so, any ideas on how we can tackle this head on?"

"actually yes.. Arrange for three of the guards to accompany me tomorrow, make sure one of them is the one from Aloha Leo's pack, I'm going to visit the dark moon pack tomorrow"

"Luna, are you sure that's a good idea" I saw the worry in Dylan's face

"I'm very sure. I maybe be human but I possess a skill that can get the alpha to back down"

"and that is?"



The following day I got up and showered, I browsed through my wadrobe, wanting to find a suitable outfit for my meeting. No doubt I was nervous. This could go either way but I need to try, I'd rather fail knowing I've tried than just give in.

I found a black pencil skirt and a blue long sleeve blouse, I tucked in in the pencil skirt, I also wore black heels  and let my hair loose. I laughed when I looked at my reflection on the mirror, I looked like my mom, heels and all. My heart ached when I thought of her.

I didn't tell her what happened with Xander because I knew she would insist on coming to stay with me. Which would put her at risk because I know too well that if anyone wants to attack the first place they will start is where the Luna stays. So I needed her to stay safe.

Dylan already asked for a meeting with the alpha and we were all set. It was Me, Dylan and the three guards, one of them being Leo's guards.

When we arrived we were welcomed by the beta of the pack "welcome, the alpha will be with you shortly he is just finishing up with some duties" then he looked at me " I don't think we've met"

"This is Luna Ava, Alpha Xander's mate" Dylan spoke and I smiled. He was showing authority as he sensed that the beta was looking down on me

"It's a pleasure to meet you Luna, what happened is very unfortunate"

"yes it is.. But we have to keep moving right" I answered without a single hint of fear in my voice. I was dealing with people who were threatening my pack. I needed to be assertive now more than ever. And I also caught him looking at the third guard. My plan was working already

A while later he told us the alpha was ready to see us and he led us to his office. I swear my life revolved around meetings, offices and Alphas as of late, I cussed myself for ever thinking Xander's job was fun and easy

"ahhh The Luna and beta of the crescent moon pack, you're welcome" he said with his arms wide open

"thank you alpha Damien, we apologize again  for asking for a meeting at short notice" I said

"well come in" he waved for us to go in, The three guards waited outside while Dylan and I went in the office, I didn't miss that he also noticed the third guard

"so, to what do I owe the pleasure Luna?"

"I know you are planning on attacking my pack" I said with a firm voice " so I'm here to see if we can't come to an agreement before things go too far than they really should"

At first he seemed shocked at my first statement but that shock later turned to a smug smirk, he wasn't taking me seriously and he wasn't afraid to admit he really was planning an attack

"well I'm not sure you know this, seeing you're human and all" he said with a look that belittled me "but, this is a great opportunity that has presented itself to me. Don't get me wrong, what happened to alpha Xander is very sad, but how can I let go of a chance like this, to grow my pack and take down one of the strongest pack"

At that I positioned myself and looked him straight in the eye, suddenly feeling very annoyed and courageous "yes, you're right.. It is unfortunate.. And it's also an opportunity on your side. But at this point what you see to be an opportunity will most likely be your downfall"

"And how is that so" he narrowed his eyebrows

"well I'm Sure you know this" I said using the same tone he used earlier "we have more fighters than you do, add that up with the one's given to us by our allies, that makes us even stronger. Yes you may succeed in killing some of them but your pack is not strong enough to get us to surrender, if anything you will come back with even less fighters, which leaves you exposed for other packs to do to you what you want to do to us"

As I said this I saw his expression change, the thought of it made it angry. Good!

"well...... You raise a valid point there" he reluctantly said and I saw a small glint of joy in Dylan's eyes when I briefly glanced at him.

"so what will be your final decision alpha Damien?"

"I'll call off my men and we forget that this ever happened.... Even if the alpha does wake up"

"that settles it then, we will be on our way now"

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