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Two months ago.

"Come on mom, you always let Carson get the groceries, let me do it this time." I pleaded with my mom for the zillionth time. I'm not kidding, we've been on this since yesterday night when Mom said she'll be too busy today to do the grocery shopping. I asked yesterday night and she said no, so I decided to ask her this morning after her coffee.

My mom raised her head from her laptop and removed her glasses, "What was my reply yesterday dear?" Mom asked.
"Your reply yesterday was bordering on positive and negative. You were bordering on, No? Yes? Maybe?" I play dumb even though I vividly remember that her reply yesterday was no.

My mom shook her head and smiled a bit, "You were always the sly one and persuasive one between you and your brother right from when you were a baby. Positivity and craftiness won't help you today young lady 'cause my reply yesterday was no, and it still remains no." My mom declared.

I groaned and turned to my brother Carson who was seeing the business news. Carson was studying business management at NYU Stern School of business. Carson was already twenty, meaning he's got three years over me. Carson and I have a good relationship. I'm super greatful that he wasn't a shitty older brother, and also like Old Mr Harris, he never treats me like I'm dying. And everyone knows that people living with cancer always crave normality and not people giving them the 'sorry' look.

"Come on Cars, help me here. Convince mom that I can do the grocery shopping this time around. I'm seventeen for goodness sake, so please tell her." I told Carson like my mom wasn't few feet away from us.

"Mom, you heard the young lady. She's not a child anymore and as such doesn't want to be treated as one." Carson joked.
I groaned, "Come on Cars, be serious. This is some serious stuff, okay?"

He cleared his throat and said in a gruff voice, "Mom, I'll like to say that you let Hails get the groceries, before she causes a hail in here." You can see where Mason got his whole Hails stuff from. He got it from Carson and yes, let me let you in on the horror, they are close friends. The fact that one is my brother and the other is my close friend doesn't make me want to kill the both of them any less.

I glared at Carson, "Focus on the task at hand and quit calling me Hails. Else I'll shove my foot so far down your ass," I was saying when my mom interrupted me, "Language Hailey. If you are trying to convince me on reasons why I should let you do the grocery shopping this morning, you are sure not doing a really good job."

"Butt.. sorry mom, I totally meant to say butt. Like I was saying, I'm going to shove my foot so far down your butt," I emphasized on the word butt for my mom's sake before I continued, "That you won't be able to poop for days." I finished in a menacing voice to show Carson I wasn't kidding around.

Carson fake shuddered and turned to my mom, "Come on mom, just let go already. She has started dishing out threats and we all know how Hailey gets after dishing out threats. She finds a way to carry it out. One way or the another. So just let her go mom, so that we can both get our well deserved rest this morning."

I put on my hopeful face and asked my mom, "So what do you say mom? Just say yes and I'll be out of your hair right away."
Mom had a doubtful look on her face and she shook her head, "I'm not sure about this Hailey. Remember the doctor said to take stuffs slowly, you..." Mom was saying when I cut her off, "And that same doctor said I don't have to live my life in fear mom. Besides it's only grocery shopping not like I said I wanted to go bungee jumping. Also I've been cancer free for five years now, so what's the worst that can happen? Come on mom, just loosen up and say yes."

Mom sighed and raised her hands in defeat, "Okay, I give up. I'm tired of saying no anyways. You and your brother are quite tiring. You can go Hailey but..." I interrupted her with my shout of victory as I high fives Carson. Finally! I get to go out.
She continued after we mellowed down, "But be careful Hailey. If you feel any sort of drowsiness, park your car and call me right away. You have my number on speed dial right?" She asked, totally acting like a mom.

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