Nezushi Reunion

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It was raining, much like it was the first time Nezumi had entered Shion's life. The wind was blowing with ferocity. It was whistling in song making the leaves of the trees dance.

Shion stepped out into the pouring rain and howling winds. He began to yell as he did that first night. The rain poured down on him, instantly drenching his clothes and hair. The wind blew against him, making his screams almost inaudible. He had hoped that if he recreated that scene, then maybe Nezumi would enter his window. Maybe Nezumi would just come into his life again like he did the firs night.

He screamed for Nezumi out of anger. whether he was angry because Nezumi didn't take him with him. Or if he was angry that he left in the first place, he could not tell. He screamed for No.6 and the lives lost, and he also screamed for his dear friend Safu.

He continued to scream until his lungs ached and his voice left him unable to yell any longer. Despite his aching lungs and sore voice, he felt better after letting all his emotions out.

Once he finished he went back inside, closed the door, and made his way to grab a pair of dry clothes. He was completely drenched to the bone after standing outside in the rain for so long.

He changed out of his wet clothes then looked at himself in the mirror. He was now no longer shocked by the white hair and red snake that coiled around his body as he was when his appearance first changed.

He stared at his reflection remembering the way Nezumi had made a snide remark. He could almost hear Nezumi say it again, but there was nothing but silence.

Shion didn't care much for the silence. He missed the various sounds of the small room back in West Block. The chatter of the mice, the sound of boiling soup, the sound of the turning of the pages of a book. He especially missed the sound of Nezumi's voice.

He missed most things about Nezumi these days. It's been years since they've parted and Shion was almost a man grown now.

The promised vow of "reunion will come, Shion," echoed in his mind. When was that reunion supposed to come? How was it supposed to come?

He hoped Nezumi would come back soon. He knew no matter how much he hoped, it wouldn't bring Nezumi back any sooner. Nezumi was a wanderer. He wouldn't settle down in a place for too long, he'll return at his own time.

Shion left his wandering thoughts and made his way to bed. Nezumi may not have come today, but everyday had possibility.

"Shion, watch the store. I'm going out for a bit." Karan yelled to Shion as she was leaving the store.

He barely had time to say ok before she was gone. 'Oh well' he thought. His mom wouldn't be long as she was only going for more groceries that they were running out of.

The door jingled alerting him a customer had just walked in.

"Hello, Lili," he said as he saw who it was.

"Is Miss Karan here?" The girl questioned.

"No, she stepped out for a bit. Do you want to wait for her?"

The girl shook her head. "No thanks, I just need bread. Then I have to be on my way."

Shion said ok, then gave the girl her order before she left. It was always a pleasure to see Lili. She had grown, but still she carried an air of innocence. The kind of innocence most kids had until they grew and saw more of the world.

Shion wondered if the kids who grew up in the West Block shared that trait, he didn't think so. For this reason he worked hard over the past few years to try and create balance again. To have equal amounts of good and evil, Instead of just evil with the illusion of being good.

It was then he heard a squeak. It sounded surprisingly similar to the squeak of a mouse, but he would not get his hopes up. The last time he did that he found only a normal rat and was only lead to dissapointment.

However when he discovered the source of the sound, what he found was no ordinary mouse, but a mouse which he knew by the name of Cravat.

"Cravat!" He exclaimed excitedly. Shion looked around to see if Nezumi was there along Cravat, but he was no where in sight. Shion only saw Cravat with a note that read 'reunion is near.'

"Reunion is near?" He said aloud, taking a moment for the meaning of the words to sink in.

"Reunion is near!" He said aloud once again. Nezumi would be returning, and be returning soon at that! But how long was soon?

He got his answer a few months later.

He was sitting at home working on plans for the reconstruction committee, when he heard a squeak come from his window. Assuming the wind was blowing the window, as he had always began to leave it open, he went to go shut it.

He was not prepared at all for what he saw. Instead of a problem-some window, standing there in his room, was Nezumi.

"Nezumi... Is that really you?" Shion questioned aloud. Of course it had to be him, it couldn't be anyone else. Shion wondered if Nezumi was actually there, or if he was just imagining it.

"Yes, Shion, it is really me."

Shion, ran full force and hugged Nezumi after realizing Nezumi was actually there.

"Nezumi..." He began to speak but then stopped himself, there really wasn't much too say at that moment. Sure there were tons of questions he had to ask, but he didn't want to ruin the moment. There would be a time for questions later.

"Yes?" Nezumi spoke.

"Nothing, it was nothing. I'm just glad to have you here." Said Shion.

"Shion" Nezumi spoke again. He reached out and cupped Shion's cheek with his hand guiding his face to look up at his before leaning down to kiss him.

Shion began to kiss Nezumi back. He was comforted by their sudden closeness. to have the familiar feel of the jacket Nezumi wore to be hugging him. It was all just Nezumi that was there with him and nothing could beat that moment.

"What kind of kiss was that?" Shion asked as he pulled away from the kiss. Surely it couldn't be a goodbye kiss, Nezumi only just showed up.

"That," Nezumi said, "was a special kind of kiss." A kiss reserved for only the person who I wouldn't be able to live without. A kiss to say, I love you."

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