Wattpad Original


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Not ready to leave Boston behind? Don't worry... there's more... 

Go back to the very beginning with Chase & Gemma's story in NOT YOU IT'S ME -- now available to read right here on Wattpad! After that, don't miss Parker & Zoe's story in ONE GOOD REASON. Then, prepare to fall for Luca & Lila in TAKE YOUR TIME. Last but not least, get ready to swoon over Shelby & Conor in SO WRONG IT'S RIGHT.

All books are now available in e-book, paperback, and audio! They can be read in any order.

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Thank you.

Two little words.

They seem painfully inadequate to describe the depth of my gratitude to my readers who, against all odds, have stuck with me on this amazing journey. I'm a little bit in love with each and every one of you, and I doubt you'll ever know how much your support means to me.

One of my favorite quotes about writing comes from John Cheever. He said, "I can't write without a reader. It's precisely like a kiss - you can't do it alone."

And he's right.

None of my dreams would be possible without you.

From the readers who reach out on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, to the amazing ladies in the "Johnson Junkies," to the incredible bloggers and reviewers who leave feedback on Amazon and Goodreads... every single one of you have changed my life for the better.

To my parents, Dave and Christine, who've been my biggest cheerleaders and supporters from day one... I'll never be able to repay you for the unconditional love you've provided. Thank you for encouraging me to chase my dreams.

To my big brother Zack, who's provided plenty of sibling inspiration for my characters, thank you for being there for me even when you're thousands of miles away.

To my friends, who don't question it when I need to disappear into my writing cave for weeks at a time, and who welcome me back with open arms when I eventually reemerge... thank you for your unfailing support and understanding.

And, lastly, to my dog Scout. You may weigh about seventy-five more pounds than Boo, but you inspired his character all the same. Thanks for being my writing partner, snuggle buddy, and constant source of joy.

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