━━ chapter XLIX.

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" it's strange what desire would make foolish people do . "


STARING INTO THE DARK NIGHT , penelope stands with her arms perched atop the railing of the balcony

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STARING INTO THE DARK NIGHT , penelope stands with her arms perched atop the railing of the balcony . the nights in doth are surprisingly chilly in comparison to the sweltering days . the lights of the city reflected onto the sky , keeping it illuminated despite the new moon .

the sound of heavy footsteps then echoed through the corridors , a booming presence that penelope did not need announcing to identify . he was always like this , thundering within the chambers unashamed , not bothering to knock like he owned the palace . callisto was a naturally assertive man , and his authority was loud , hard to ignore unlike a certain one .

" princess ! " he exclaimed , striding over to where she stood , actively indifferent to his appearance . it wasn't as if she hadn't been expecting him , knowing him , she was well aware he will not stay put in his place after he knew she was kept in the doth royal palace .

turning , she was met with the same boyish smile on his sharp features - one she had been so fond of an year ago . he stepped closer - behind her - closing her lithe frame within strong arms , an embrace that was no different from his other one's , practically engulfing her . penelope couldn't push him away , but neither did she react . she remained fixed as stone as he tightened his arms , as if confirming himself she was present here .

" why ? " she questioned , her voice aloof . however it didn't seem to faze him , it never did . he was adamant like that , stubborn in his belief that he could thaw her no matter how much she pushed him away much like everyone else .

" what do you mean 'why'? " he questioned right back , squeezing her once again , his form swaying lightly behind hers . the unapologetic tone his voice infuriating her further . she turned to place a hand on his chest , creating a distance between them , eyes staring at him with the same frigid look she so often had on .

" you know what i mean , callisto . " she shot back at him blankly , making him stop in his tracks to stare at him with disbelief in his eyes . " forgive me , princess . but unlike you , i cannot give up on someone i love so easily . " he replied , making penelope more irritated than she already was . " and treason is your way of getting what you want ? " she snapped , the restrain that she struggled with obvious on her words .

" you waged a war , all for what ? a woman ? as the crown prince of inca you -" a finger placed on her mouth silenced her , the sound of air humming being the only thing audible amongst the two . " a woman , you say .. " he broke the silence with a dubious chuckle , turning his gaze to the side like it hurt him to look at her , even .

" a mere woman : is that how you see yourself , princess ? i am sure you do . you did the same back when i proposed marriage to you too . " he kept laughing bitterly , turning his gaze back to hers , a hand elevating to cup her jaw . " but that's not how i see you , penelope . " he murmured , sighing as if he was in pain when she moved his hand away from her face but continued nonetheless . " but that's not how i see you ,

" to me , you're worth more than any of that . even the kingdom - " she pitied him , then . it was heartbreaking to watch callisto put down that front of humour and unveil his suffering , something he never quite did . " don't say that , don't . " she cut him off with a whisper of her own , but he shook his head , taking his hand in hers stubbornly .

" no you have to listen , it's not the kingdom that came to my aid when all those cunts were whispering venom behind my back , calling me the mad dog of the imperial family . it wasn't the throne of the crown prince that saved me from that pit of snakes , i don't want it , penelope . "

" i did not do any of that for something in return , " she tried to reason but he had none of it , he held her hand up to his face , leaning onto her touch . " callisto - " she called , firmly removing her hand from his grasp , " you have to understand . what you have planned will lead to nothing but misery , why don't you just - "

" i will not give up on someone i love . " he repeated himself , furious . the sudden flare caused penelope to back up against the ceiling , staring up at the man with widened eyes . he stepped forward , towering physique looming over hers .

" giving up on something that is mine without a fight is not me , and you are well aware of that , princess . " his words made her toes curl , she opened her mouth to argue -but words never left her . in a familiar feeling of dread , her voice had betrayed her once again .

' what did you think i was going to do ?! ' : claude's words came flashing in the back of her mind , but the man in front of her was entirely different , standing still in his place , unfazed .

" please leave , " she croaked out . and perhaps the discomfort was too apparent on her tone , she caught a hint of guilt flash across the crown prince's face , as he stepped back , visibly ashamed of his outburst .

he took a last look at her , pulling her close to press a kiss on her crown . but instead of feeling even slightly comforted , penelope felt numb . she did not reply when he said he will be visiting her more often , neither did she see him off when he hesitantly took his leave .

but it was only after he left , a shaking exhale left past her brims , stinging eyes turning to look at the sky . in her solace , she wondered what possibly could ensue from here . and the answer that came to her mind filled her with dread .

please keep trusting me ; unbeknownst to her , she found herself pleading .

although she knew it was impossible .


HELLO HELLO HELLO  ! i have dragged the abduction enough and from the next chapter ( that i will be uploading soon ) starts the action !  also i was thinking about how i would frame this scene earlier and it dawned on me

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HELLO HELLO HELLO ! i have dragged the abduction enough and from the next chapter ( that i will be uploading soon ) starts the action ! also i was thinking about how i would frame this scene earlier and it dawned on me . . .

callisto is basically the equivalent of diana to penny's claude ?? the insolent , stubborn love interest who stays back despite how harshly these two ice cold kuudere's treat them ???? only he is a bit more violent and psychotic in compared to diana , but hey they're both the blonde , free spirited badass with reddish eyes that our leads love(loved??) once .

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