2- Detentions & Tantrums

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Dylan's PoV:

Speeding down the road, I strum my fingers on the wheel while driving, humming to an incoherent song in my head.

Driving my Hyundai Getz to school, I can't help but grunt when I see slight traffic in the road ahead, meaning definitely arriving late to school.

I check my phone for the time, seeing I only have few minutes before I'll be most likely late more than 5 minutes to Mrs. Norton's first period class.

I sigh in hopes of getting there on time to not guarantee myself dreaded detention.
I'm actually a very punctual person when it comes to time, always being early or on time; seldom late.

It's just that my girlfriend; Lexi, hadn't had enough time to drive by Starbucks in order to get her morning coffee, so she asked me last minute, and turns out it's ok in her books if I'm the one late instead of her.

When the traffic jam dissolves, I smile in ultimate relief and quickly pull up to the school's parking lot.
I park my car hastily in one of the remaining spots and head towards the main doors leading to the hallways.

Once I enter, I'm engulfed by a breath of warmness that I welcome with open arms, after jogging from the comfort and warmth of my car into the freezing weather of November.

Looking up at the wall-watch, I find it that I'm late by 5 minutes, so I run off, opening Mr. Sanders' class door.
When all heads turn towards me, Lexi smiles and I settle the drink on her table before getting the hell out of that classroom, otherwise I'd be screamed at by the obnoxious Mr. Sanders.

Thank goodness that her class was next doors to mine, or else I wouldn't have made it on time for Mrs. Norton's good mood when I only get off with a warning and a 'Take a seat'. That's what rarely being late gets you.

A moment after I settled in my seat at the back, the door bursts open, and in files another desperate soul, only this time Mrs. Norton showcases her agitation.
When I notice who entered, I understand the malice behind Mrs. Norton's expression.

It's Sophie Edwards, aka the nerd that's always late, and super surprisingly, here she is standing with a pile of thick books in her arms, panting slightly from running.

I notice that her nose and cheeks are blushing pink, suffice to say that she walked her way struggling in the blistering weather.

When she spots Mrs. Norton's raised eyebrows, she opens her mouth prepared for an excuse, but then several seconds pass by without a single word leaving her mouth.

"Flies got your tongue?" I ask sarcastically, and the class bursts out laughing.

She finally turns her head sideways, away from the awaiting teacher, and towards me, with glaring brown eyes, and after a few seconds her glare intensifies, like she had just realized something.

It's supposed to be cat, not flies" she counters and I just chuckle and bust out milliseconds later with full on roaring laughter.

"Enough. Both of you, detention. After school today" . Mrs. Norton breaks the stare off, then she quietens the class to go on with the material she was reviving on the white board before the second
interruption cascaded her spirits in a matter of minutes.

Once the words are out of Mrs. Norton's mouth, I frown. I thought I was off the hook. Guess not.
When Sophie was pulling out her seat, she senses my discomfort and a smirk decorates her lips.

Then she sets her books on the table with a booming sound catching some people off guard, to which they mutter 'nerd' under their breaths.

The class goes on about boring nonsense and I think of how I'm breaking the news to Lexi. We were supposed to hang out today after school, apparently Miss. Nerdy Books here had to ruin all the fun.

I'm just not in the mood for another tantrum thrown by Lexi, listing off the names of all the guys waiting in line to date her if she were single.

By the time third period finishes, I was entirely zoned out, catching nothing of the materials the teachers covered during the whole time.
Well. At least it's lunch time now.

I grab my bag and head off in the direction of the only good place about this hell; the cafeteria.

I make my way to my usual table I share with Lexi, and my friends; Alex, Scott and Cole.
I notice Alex and Scott sitting next to each other, having a private conversation amongst themselves.
They've always been the type of couple to discuss their problems or interact generally in hushed tones, since they started dating back in sophomore year, I don't think I've ever seen them in a fight where any of their other friends had to interfere.

Then, I notice Cole seated next to a girl I've never seen before. Typical Cole, hanging out with a different girl every other day.

I shift my eyes, and then lock my gaze with my girlfriend. She had tray of a sandwich and French fries in front of her. "Hey guys" I greet before pulling the wooden chair out.

Taking my seat, Lexi grabs onto my arm the second my butt touches the seat. "Where've you been?" She asks inquisitively and I run my hand through my hair. " I just got out of class. Also, I'm already sorry in advance but we can't hang out later. " Her eyebrows shoot up near her hairline and a scowl resides on her face.

"I've got detention " I tell her hoping she'll understand. She gasps slightly "Is it because of me? I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but you know I can't function without my morning coffee. And besides you know I can't disrupt my perfect attendance record" she justifies.

and I offer her a smile. "Yeah, I know. Relax Lex, it wasn't because of you" Upon hearing the words, an expectant serious expression takes over her entire face.
"Then what? Because of whom did you get detention?" Her tone raises slightly and I catch Alex and Scott giving me pity looks, knowing they've heard the whole conversation, or enough of it. Luckily enough, Cole and his date are out of hearing range, either that or they're too immersed in their own world to give a damn about what's happening with us.

"Just some nerd at class" I settled on this and she finally hops off my back and stops harassing me into answering her overstepping questions.

"Just some nerd at class" I settled on this and she finally hops off my back and stops harassing me into answering her overstepping questions

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How was that for a second chapter??

Also, what are your thoughts on Lexi? Know someone in real life who resembles her??

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