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Leahs pov

It's been four days since I was released from the hospital. I'm currently heading downstairs because Ryder called a family meeting which is new. I finally make it to the living room everyone had a serious look on there face it was kind of unnerving. I go and sit down.

"We have something to tell you and you have to promise to freak out," Ryder said. I just nodded.

"Words child," Xander said.

"OK," I said in a monotone voice.

"We are in the Italian Mafia. And Im the leader," Ryder explained. I started nervously laughing and backing away slowly inching towards the door. I just gave up and ran up the stairs. I locked the door in my room and started thinking.

This really makes since. Why they always have guns or knives on them, They have a safe room, and why that guy kidnapped me. 

I got up and walked backstairs they just looked at me. "Cool," is all I said before I headed to the kitchen suddenly feeling really hungry. I saw the cheese its but I couldn't get them down cause of my shortness.

I innocently walked into the livingroom where everyone still was. While looking down I mumbled ," Can one of you help me get the cheese its I'm to short". 

"What did you say we can't hear you," Alex mocked. 

"I can't reach the cheese its can one of you help me pwease," I said while mocking a child with my lip out pouting. 

"Sure thing shorty," Ryan said while getting up.

"When you get them down come back here we still need to talk." Liam said.

I did my happy dance over to the couch cause I GOT FUCKING CHEESE ITS BITCH. The boys looked at me weird but I just brushed them off.

"Anyway as you know were in the mafia. We are going to train you so you know how to defend your self." Ryder said.

A creepy ass smile came on my face "Do iget tolearn how to use a knife" I asked overly exited.

"w-well ya. You seem way to excited about that." Xander says. And everyone agrees.

"I've always wanted to correctly learn how to properly stab someone."

"Ok, well you start training tomorrow and Ace will be training you."  I nodded and headed upstairs. 

Next morning

I was not feeling good today. I checked what day it was. I immediately started panicking cause i was on my period ugh this sucked. My bathroom was luckily stalked with pads before i came here. Jackson came into my room to tell me i had to head to the the gym to meet Ace there in five minutes. SHit I don't have any pain killers and i have those cramps that feel like a stapede of elephants ore trampling you and a bus is hitting you simultaneously.

I decided not to tell anyone and just suffer. I headed down to the gym. We worked on punches and blocks then decided to take a break. I sat down in the corner and started crying cause I was in so much pain. I ended up in a fetal position clenching my stomach. When Ace walked in I immediately stood up and muffled a groan. We continued but I ended up collapsing on the ground cause of the pain. Ace rushed over.

" Leah whats wrong,"he questioned

"Nothing I'm fine" I lied.

"No one just collapses on the floor out of nowhere when there fine now I'm calling your brothers and cousins and after that, you better tell me."

" I told you i was fi-," he cut me off.

"OMG STOP SAYING YOUR FUCKING I KNOW YOUR NOT i just want to protect you" Ace said the last part a whisper. "Now will you tell me whats wrong".

"I'm on my period and when I'm on my period i have really bad cramps." I said loud enough so he could hear it. 

"Jesus Leah why didn't you tell anyone you were in pain. You need to tel us theses things."

"I'm sorry" I said while on the verge of tears. "I don't like being to dependent on people I never had people who actually cared". I was sobbing now.

"Well now you do come on lets get you to bed" Ace said while picking me up and caring me up the stairs. This made my heart flutter and me blush so buried my face in his shirt.

The boys ended up taking care of me the rest of the week. I didn't like it. I never had people who actually cared about my well being its weird.


Hello is mee hope you enjoyed. As always stay safe bye

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