⁰⁴number eleven

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chapter 04 」
❝ I'm really good at the skating part


THE DUCKS' SIDE OF THE STADIUM STOOD UP AND CHEERED as they scored another shot, tying up the game. Amelia jumped up and clapped for her friends as they all hugged and celebrated out on the ice.

As soon as the players skated out of the rink and made their way to the locker rooms, Amelia weaved her way out of the bleachers and waited by the water fountains where her and Connie had arranged to meet beforehand.

The whole ride to the stadium, Connie was elated and couldn't wait to tell their coach that Amelia was going to join the team. Connie was the first one out of the locker rooms and she immediately rushed up to Amelia and dragged her by the arm over outside the locker room.

The rest of the team milled out and greeted the two girls as they left to find their families. As soon as their coach came out, Connie took her opportunity.

"Hey Coach," Connie started.

Their coach seemed a little surprised and jumped back a little.

"Oh hey Connie. Good job today," he said.

"Thanks." Connie pulled Amelia forward and the two girls smiled. "This is Lia; she's my friend that I was telling you about. She wants to join the team."

"Oh yeah?" the coach asked.

The two girls nodded eagerly.

"What makes you think you can join the team?" he asked interrogatively.

Amelia was about to speak but Connie cut her off and said, "She's the fastest skater I know."

She rolled her eyes and chuckled to herself at her friend's eagerness. The coach seemed to notice and he turned to Amelia.

"How fast can you skate?"

"I can skate from blue line to blue line in almost two seconds flat," Amelia answered.

The coach's eyes widened and Amelia smiled at the reaction. "Wow. We can use someone like that. How good are you handling the stick?"

She shrugged and bit the inside of her cheek. Sucking in a breath, she replied, "I can handle it."

He raised an eyebrow at her answer.

"I'm pretty good with dribbling, but apparently I'm not aggressive enough," she answered. "But I'm really good at the skating part."

"She was an olympic hopeful," Connie chimed in.


Amelia pursed her lips and nodded her head. "I, uh, I used to figure skate but then I got an injury and I can't figure skate anymore, but I can play hockey."

"And this injury―it's okay for you to play hockey with it?" the coach asked.

"Yes sir," Amelia said with a confident nod, although she had no idea how true that was.

The coach hesitated before slightly nodding to himself. "Call me Coach Bombay."

Amelia cracked a smile and Connie gripped her arm and said, "So that means―"

"Yep," Coach Bombay interrupted and stuck out his hand. "Welcome to the Ducks."

SOMEONE TO YOU, adam banksWhere stories live. Discover now