ch16 - what you do to me

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One last serve, one last rally, one last point. This point was going to be ours. I set up the final serve of our Third Years vs. First Years, three on three (Yamaguchi went to practice with Nishinoya and Tanaka). I aim for where I'm going to hit my serve. I don't end up serving, because I freeze. The cause for my frozen state? The sound of the gym door opening. That's not normally something make me freeze. The door is constantly being opened and closed for payers taking a cool down break outside or Takeda-Sensei popping in to watch some practice. It could of been Ennoshita or Yachi coming through the door right now. I could of been anyone and I wouldn't even know because I'm supposed to be hitting the final serve (because us first years are totally gonna win this match). But I'm not. I don't even have to look and I know who just came through the door. That is what makes me freeze in the position of me about to deliver a serve. 

Before anyone can say anything about my sudden stalling. I fight. I fight for focus. To focus on what's in front of me; the net and the ball in my hand, not what's at the door.  I get about half of it back as I hit my poor serve. It went over, but not where I wanted it to. It's only when the ball is flying over the net back to the first year's side that my focus is pull back into the game. I poorly receive the ball. The talent of the two idiots is enough to cover my crappy receive as they whip out one of their many freakish attacks and win the final set.

I feel the focus I was so loosely holding on to slip away back to the door. I'm not looking, I haven't looked that way yet. I just feel. Happy, confused, and embarrassed. Don't get me wrong, she is no embarrassment. It's more like pre-embarrassment as fresh let's-tease-and-harass-Tsukishimsa-about-this material has waltzed through the door. They still haven't stopped bringing up constant teases about my 'girlfriend' ever since Hinata brought it up.

I'm safe for now though. They don't know what she looks like. So they don't know that the beautiful girl who has just entered the gym is her. Not until Hinata decides to-

"HI (L/N)!"

Ya, that.

"(l/n)? Isn't that..." I hear Tanaka mumble as his attention goes to the person the small idiot is running up to greet and then to me. I see the wide teasing grin spread across his face. I regret letting Yamaguchi tell them her name.

I turn to (l/n) with surprise, as if she never stole all of my attention as soon as I hear the door open in the first place. I suppress a smile threatening display its self the instant I see her. I quickly lose that the battle but I'm still able to keep it to a closed mouth smile. I can already hear the teasing comments from Noya and Tanaka. 

All those thoughts are washed a way the moment she returns my smile. She returns it, but bigger and brighter and more lovely than mine. It's full of  joy. It's full of excitement. It's full of... mischief? She knew. She knew the possibility of embarrassment and showed up with that intention. Completely ignoring the plan to meet at the school gates in about twenty minuets from now. All just to mess with me. Oh, it's on. I stalk towards her in anger and irritation. None of it was genuine. It was all more playful. Just thinking about it, I can't see myself getting truly angry at her. I would take a lot for that to happen. But those playful emotions are fading with each step that leads me closer to her. I get closer and closer and I'm filled with more and more joy with each step and I'm getting very emotionally exhausted at this point. She's only been here for what? Five minuets? I'm spend the rest of they day with her. Challenge accepted.

I'm looming over her. She's wearing and oh-so-innocent grin.

Now a different kind of embarrassment kicks in. It's that feeling of knowing you have to say something but not knowing what to say. What do I say? It feels like ages since I've seen her. I know it hasn't been that long.

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