▲ Food ▲

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》We think that the amount of food we eat depends on how hungry we are. Apart from that, the size of plates and spoons are also some factors. In other words, our stomachs only provide crude messages about how much we have eaten but we rely on our vision and the eyes are fooled.

》If you have lunch with your ex, it affects your partner more than it would in case you had coffee or talked to them on phone. Eating together is a way to bond and having lunch can trigger jealousy .

》People on a diet are more likely to eat unhealthy if the food is served by a fat person. This roots from their unconscious thought that if this plump person can eat, so can they. The body-type of the server acts a permission to overeat.

》There are certain foods that people might refuse or agree to eat. Our taste depends on what is in front of us and also at the particular time of the day.

》According to the study, the chance of people being obese increased by 57% if they had friends who were obese. People are influenced by the eating behavior of the people around them. Even when people are eating alone, they are influenced by social norms. For example, men are thought to have big meals as compared to women who eat small meals.

》People who suppress their food thoughts have more food cravings and are more prone to binge eating.

People who consume more fruits and vegetables are more satisfied with life and remain happy, but it is not sure if fruits and vegetables cause that happiness. According to the latest study, having healthy fruits and vegetables daily, boost the mood the next day. It is based on the idea that micronutrients like folates improve depression.

》Research has shown that people with a sweet tooth are friendlier than people who prefer other taste. Tasting something sweet makes us kinder. People felt kinder and more agreeable to volunteer or help someone else. So, a little hack- bring along some sweets for your friends or members so that they get along well.

》Compared with the French, Belgians and Japanese, Americans get less pleasure from food and are most obsessed with whether it is 'healthy' or not
In contrast, the French have fewer hang-ups and enjoy their food the most. Perhaps it's no coincidence that they are also half as likely to be obese as Americans.

》Eating is so routine that we easily zone out from the experience. While our minds are wandering, though, our hands are shoveling it in faster and faster.
Studies have shown that people eat more when they are distracted, like when watching TV or talking with friends. Unfortunately when not focusing on our food, we tend to eat more and get less enjoyment from it.

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