4 | Date Disaster

752 89 15

Anay was in his cabin pulling his hair out. He could dismiss his nocturnal visions as his overworked and lonely mind imagining things, but what about this invisible stalker that people were talking about? Invisible to him, for others appeared to see him. That was the most frustrating thing about it.

The studio assistant could not describe him well. "Only saw him for a moment in the studio with you. Didn't see him properly because of all the darkness. But he had his hand on your shoulder, so I thought he was your friend. Why, sir? Is there any problem?"

"No, nothing's wrong," Anay said. Such a kind of thing is not worth getting deep into, he told himself. He is surely making a mistake like everyone else. He sees dozens of people in the studio every day and is just confused. What else can it be?

Unless, the whole universe was somehow playing a grand prank on him.


An hour later, he somehow managed to get back to his work, trying to keep his mind cool. But his mind wasn't what it used to be. It wasn't just the scary things that were happening. It was also the lack of sleep, the frustration of meeting the deadlines, and that tiny niggling bug that had lately being gnawing at him—Was it worth breaking his neck so much over work?

He jumped with a start when his phone rang. When he saw who it was, he took the call instantly.

"Oh, hi, Shanaya," he said, altering his tone to a cheerier one to whatever extent it was possible. "To what do I owe this pleasure?"

Shanaya laughed. Even her muffled laughter from the other end of the phone line sounded like a lilting melody. "Hi, Anay. Wondering if I could meet you today."

"Wow, of course! I mean, of course... what do you... I mean, when do you want to meet?"

"Say in an hour in that coffee shop across the street from your office? I am in the area, doing some shopping. Thought I'd drop in and check on you."

"All right, done. I'll be there."

"You can get away from your office, no? It won't be a problem, right?"

"No problem at all!"

She laughed again and disconnected the phone.

Anay quickly surveyed himself in the office mirror. He looked good, apart from the dark circles under his eyes. He should have shaved that morning, or did the stubble suit him better? He was better with the stubble. He had time to shave, but he ran the risk of looking like a junior college student. Should he get her a gift? Of course not. This was not a date. She was just dropping in. But she was his childhood flame!

He checked in on Kautuk. "Hey, buddy! Just stepping out for an hour. You will be able to manage if Salil asks about me?"

"I'll try," Kautuk muttered, not looking up from his browser, and expertly throwing a peanut in his mouth. "Work or pleasure, may I ask?"

"No, you may not!" Anay laughed and retreated.

Briskly, he stepped into the elevator. It was in the foyer that he bumped into the familiar—in fact, too familiar—deodorant of Renee.

"Where to?" Renee asked.

"Just stepping out for a bit."

"Wait, wait. This is not for a regular meeting."

"I'm getting late, Renee."

Renee sized him up. "Are you up to something, Anay?"

Just then, Anay spotted Vishwa walking toward the elevators. He had never been happier to see him. "Hey, look! There's Vishwa," he screamed.

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