23 - Queen Bee (PART I)

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I stared at the foggy mirror in the girl's toilet, observing my reflection. Hazel eyes started coldly back at me, on a heart shaped face with soft features. My thin, shapely eyebrows were slightly furrowed. My glossy pink lips were turned downwards. My button nose wrinkled. I relaxed my facial muscles to hide the agitation I felt, observing the rest of me. Dark caramel hair in glossy curls flowed down my back. I pushed a stray hair behind my ear, my studded earlobe catching the light.

My volleyball uniform, consisting of a pale blue and white stripped tank top and the school's logo boldly printed and short skort hugged my body perfectly, my skort drawing attention to my toned legs, with plain white sneakers finishing off the outfit.

All this beauty, yet Brock never gave me a second glance.

A toilet flushing interrupted my thoughts, and I turned to see one of my teammates and closest friends coming out off a stall dressed in the same uniform as me. Alyssa Reed. She was one of the only people I could tolerate.

Alyssa was stunning, with her golden brown skin and delicate features, her kinky hair always slicked into a perfect top knot bun. She gave me a weird look as she went to wash her hands, briefly glancing into the mirror.

"What's going on in that pretty head of yours?" Alyssa asked, applying a layer of lip-gloss. I shook my head.

"Don't worry." I replied shortly, copying her and applying pink lip-gloss, even though my lips were shiny enough. She shot me a look.

"Thinking about Brock again?" She asked knowingly. I didn't reply. We both knew the answer.

Instead, I asked about Tobi's whereabouts as we left the toilet and started walking down the empty hallway. At first I was suspicious when Tobi suddenly decided to befriend me at the beginning of the year, as we hadn't been exactly best friends previously. However, she was nice enough company and helped tutor me in Maths, so I didn't mind. I guessed she had enough hanging around the likes of Maisie and Chloe Woods.

Ugh, Chloe Woods. That girl bothered me the way no one else could, and she didn't even do anything! With her classic blonde hair and blue eyes paired with pretty features and a funny personality that attracted guys like flies, she was my main competition when it came to Brock. I was aware of how close they were, with them going back as far as middle school, and it bothered me a great deal. I couldn't decipher her feelings towards him, but I was well aware of her dislike towards me.

It wasn't unwarranted, I could admit I wasn't the nicest to her in the past or present, but her not being fond of me could affect Brock and I's progressing relationship. Well, to me it was a progression relationship, to him... I had no clue.

Sometimes he acted like he couldn't get enough of my presence, but other times it was like he was allergic to being around me. This hot and cold act was exhausting to keep up with, and I didn't know how to make things move forward.

"Tobi said she'll meet us at the library," Alyssa's soft voice brought me back to the present. "Said she didn't want to be late to class."

I frowned. "Late? We have a free period."

Alyssa chuckled. "I know. She can be such a nerd sometimes." I nodded in agreement with a small smirk, but Brock invaded my thought again and I couldn't help but frown.

"Hey," Alyssa demanded my attention. "Stop frowning over that guy. Firstly, you'll get wrinkles. Secondly, he definitely likes you back so I'm not sure why you're stressing."

I shot her an unimpressed look. "And how would you know how he feels towards me?"

She shot me a wide smile, showcasing two dimples. "I see the way he looks at you, girl."

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