Chapter Ten

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Forgive anyone who has caused you pain. Keep in mind that forgiving is not for others. It is for you. Forgiving is not forgetting. It is remembering without anger. It frees up your power, heals your mind, body and spirit. Forgiveness opens up a pathway to a new place of peace where you can persist despite what has happened to you. - Les Brown

Since witnessing the argument between Kirsty and Damon, I couldn't get it out of my head. It didn't make any sense to me. What would a girl like Kirsty want with a guy like Damon?

They seemed like complete opposites - he was sweet and kind, while she exuded an air of arrogance and entitlement.

For now, I chose to let it go.

As I stood in front of my vanity, unraveling the french braids my mom had lovingly put in my hair the night before, I admired how the curls cascaded down without a hint of frizz thanks to my trusty hair bonnet.

The sound of my phone pinged, drawing my attention away from my reflection. Walking over to my bedside table, I saw a message from Jon that read 'Be there in 5.' I quickly replied that I was upstairs getting ready and went back to preparing myself for the day. 

I rummaged through my walk-in closet, finally settling on a pair of black overalls with a half-skeleton design and a matching black short sleeve top. 

As I slipped into the outfit and checked myself out in the gothic-style floor-length mirror, Jon appeared at the doorway with his trademark cheeky smile.

"You look great."

"Ugh, Jon." I said, playfully rolling my eyes, hand on my heart. "Don't do that."

"Not fun, is it?" He asked, clearly referring to all the times I'd scared him during our marathons.

Many of which took place in the dark.

"Ha ha," I laughed, sarcastically. "I get it. I won't try to scare you anymore. Deal?"

He crossed the room, accepting my outstretched hand.

"Deal." He turned me back to the mirror, his hands on my shoulders. "It's us against the world, remember?"

I nodded before he kissed my cheek, stepping back, heading back to my room.

"I meant it. You really look good," he repeated, as he paused in the doorway.

I smiled again. "Thanks."

He nodded before heading back into my room.

Spritzing some vanilla brown sugar perfume on myself, I joined him only to find him engrossed in watching TV news about upcoming weather conditions.

"You smell like waffles," he teased.

I playfully shoved him, a mischievous grin on my face. "You're such a goofball." 

His surprised expression turned into amusement as he almost lost his balance on the edge of my bed. "Ahh!" he exclaimed, steadying himself just in time. 

Giggling, I apologized before challenging him to a race downstairs where my mom had prepared her famous homemade cinnamon waffles. 

With a burst of energy, I darted out of the room, leaving Jon behind.

I could hear Jon's laughter echoing behind me as he chased after me, his footsteps thundering on the stairs. Just as I reached the kitchen door, his strong arms wrapped around my waist and lifted me off my feet in playful defiance.

"I win!" He exclaimed.

"Only because you cheated."

"Work smart, not hard," was his reply, causing me to roll my eyes, eventually giving in to the grin I tried to hide.

The Vanishing Girls Of Willow Creek (Willow Creek, #1)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ