II. Alex

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October 26, 2003 7:13 am
The Zigg's Farm

        I was awoken to light shaking on my shoulder and my name being whispered loudly. I mumbled in my sleep and rolled over to try to get a few more minutes of blisful sleep. That is until:

        "Logan!" The voice whisper yelled. I sat up too quick and banged heads with Nikki.

        "Ow.." She groaned and rubbed her forehead. Waking up and realizing what I had done.

        "I'm so sorry Nikki." I dragged out the 'so' and she quietly laughed.

        "It's fine Alex." I rubbed the back of my neck before getting out of the springy bunk bed.

        Logan was still sleeping, I think. I actually didn't really even bother to see if he was awake. I wandered sleepily into the bathroom closing the door behind me to get ready for the day's events that laied ahead. With no exitment I didn't bother to hury either.

        By the time I got down stairs Nikki and Logan were making basic chit-chat while drinking their coffee. Nikki looks at me before passing mine in a cute little shaped mug.

        "Before you two got up I went over the tapes from last night, one of them seemed knocked over." Logan said then took another small sip of his coffee. I scrunch my nose.

        "Which one?"

        "The one closest to the well, right Logan?" Nikki double checked with him and his answer came with a nod.

        "I had found it rather odd though." I coughed akwardly.

        "I'll go check it out." I sighed, "Breakfast better be done by the time I get back.

        "I'll come too." Nikki interjected.

        "Fine little miss get your coat." I laugh while slipping my brown coat over my shoulders.


        Okay no dobut about it, the path seemed creepier than before. The day before we had no problem, but with all this fog and cold air made the air seem heavier. Even Nikki seemed on edge.

        When we got closer the stench of what smelled like rotting bodies eroded the air. Nikki fell to her knees covering her mouth and nose, then started muttering someting.

        "Oh my god. Oh my god. There are so many. It makes me feel so sick." She coughed as if she were going to throw up. Now that she mentioned it the smell was more than one body at the most.

        I slowly walked over to the well. It was odd as well, this smell wasn't here either. I took a small flashlight from the pocket of my coat along with the cross I always carry. I clicked on the flash light and bent over the smell of death, shining the light inside.

        The sight made me take a few steps back and fall right on my butt. So many bodies piled ontop of one another and the smell of death masked the air, making it almost imposible to breath. It made me want to gag. (A/N I just want bring this up. I can't smell so if this smell isnt acurate sorry ._.) Nikki had already threw up what little stomach content she had. I tried to keep my composure.

        I gripped on to Nikki's wrist and pulled her away from the well. That can't be right. No none of it was right. This farm has secrets that are just surffacing. When Nikki and I finally came out to a clearing with no fog, she fell to the ground almost crying.

Phantom on the FarmNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ