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My eyes fluttered open and for a few mere seconds I didn't remember what today had in store

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My eyes fluttered open and for a few mere seconds I didn't remember what today had in store. Until I felt the 'bed' empty next to me and I shot up out of it running outside.
" PAUL ... PAUL , PAUL "
I yelled panicked as I heard snow crunch and turned as I saw Paul and embry running up the hill as I ran at Paul and he caught me dazed. Rubbing my back he soothed me as he whispered
" I'm here... just calm down "
Once my breathing and heart rate had gone back to normal I kissed him softly as I said
" sorry I just-"
" I know "
He said with an anxious expression as I mumbled something about getting dressed.
I was dressed in a black T-shirt and grey leggings and my black trainers as i brushed my teeth and wiped my face. Coming out of the tent I saw the boys sitting on a rock as they said
" come on "
" better get down there "
I nodded to both statements as I breathed a nervous breath and walked up to embry as I pulled him into a hug; the confused boy hugged me back, rubbing circles in my lower back as I pulled away and said
" just in case "
He nodded as he swallowed nervously and I turned to Paul as the tears began to build up in my eyes. I could tell it was killing him as embry walked away to give us our privacy.
" don't leave me... I still need you after today "
I said desperately as he hugged me tightly
" Paul... too tight "
He loosened his grip a little as I gripped him back with all my human strength and as we pulled away I pressed my lips to his as they moulded together perfectly. It was as if they were made to fit together. Once we pulled away he kissed my head and phased as I blinkered down to the battlefield landing next to the cullens as they all jumped a little.
" sorry, not quite perfected that yet "
The blonde girl smiled as I smiled back. After a few seconds of waiting I saw pale and agile humans run out of the trees as I immediately became defensive as the cullens ran forward. One came straight for me as I used my telekinesis to remove its head and another grabbed me from behind as I set it aflame. I saw another heading my way as it grabbed my hands and knew I was a witch. I managed to kick it off as I felt someone pull it off me and I saw the familiar grey wolf tear it to pieces and I smiled. I turned to see one heading for embry as I also saw one heading for Jared and another for leah. Panicking I set them aflame and the wolves moved hastily from the flames. I felt myself be tossed through the air as I heard a howl and I did the trick I used on edward as I disappeared and blinkered behind the woman. I swiped my finger and removed her head with my mind as I nodded to Paul who was watching me with a careful eye. With him distracted I noticed two newborns running at him from either side as I used a powerful blast and threw them flying into the air in the direction of someone who decapitated their heads. Now I was the distracted one as I felt a powerful force hit my side as I flew into some rocks like a rag doll. I saw heads snap towards me as I saw the gash on my hip. Panicking I willed myself up as I saw vampires heading my way with most of them being decapitated. I dodged the cullens as I saw a newborn fighting jared. It was about to crush him as I caused it pain in its head as it fell to its knees and Jared had the upper hand and killed it. The pain was searing as I was again distracted. Another hit was taken as I felt myself flying through the air as I hit a tree. My body crumpled as I knew my ribs had cracked. Paul was running towards me as were the other wolves as I teleported to the other side of the battlefield so they weren't distracted. I felt bubbling anger as a huge blast came from me and I beheaded dozens of vampires in a split second. All of a sudden I could feel only anger, masking the pain.
" Mortum"
I muttered as I saw some vampires fall to their deaths and the wolves hesitantly continued fighting. Finally I saw esme cullen take out the last one as the cullens faces strained as I backed away slowly. I was covered in blood and had obtained more wounds as I felt a hand harshly grab me as I was held by a vampire and I screamed as I felt a wolf tackle it off me. Once I looked up from the ground I saw leah. Until Jacob intervened and was badly injured. I tried to move as I whimpered. I felt Paul and Jared by my side as I saw the other boys carry Jake away.
" don't move "
I heard Paul say as he choked on tears as I saw Carlisle kneel down next to me as he felt my pulse and gasped as he said
" get her back to Billy's "
" her injuries "
I heard Jared warn as I squeezed Paul's wrist ever so slightly.
" I can "
I whispered as I shut my eyes and used my last amount of strength and we were at Billy's. I heard screams as I saw the pack's faces surround me and then I felt darkness.
" holly ?"
I heard the familiar voice of Harry Clearwater as I saw a light... I heard my parents too... and my grandad and my grandmother as I gasped. I began to walk towards the bright light until I heard the worried screams of the pack and Paul .
" she's dying !!"
" we're losing her "
" please don't leave me holly please you promised you wouldn't leave me wake up "
I heard Harry as he said 
" it's not your time "
All of a sudden I woke in a shocked state as I saw Jacob in the bed across from me as I mumbled
" Jake ..."
He looked over as he gasped
" you're alive "
I nodded as I coughed and he said
" look... we both nearly died today... so I wanna say... I'm sorry for all the times I was horrible to you... I really am"
I smiled as I reached out an arm and patted Jake on the shoulder as I attempted to get up. I hobbled out of the bedroom on one leg as I managed to make it to the doorway and open it. I rested on the doorway on one leg as I winced and my breathing was shallow from the pain in my ribs. I heard shouting, specifically Paul and sam's name. I felt an arm around my waist steady me as I saw my older brother who I actually hadn't seen properly in a while. Paul was next as he stood in front of me as he hesitantly reached out and stroked my cheek as he gasped and retracted his hand
" y-y-yo- Alive "
He stuttered over his words as I smiled but winced as he held onto me and Sam smiled as he kissed my hair
" I'm sorry that I've been distant ... I love you holly... you'll always be my baby sister "
He said choking on his words as I smiled teary eyed as he went inside to see Jacob. Paul fully supported my weight as his face was stricken with overwhelming shock.
Once I had gotten the hang of my crutches I managed, with Paul's help to hobble to embry and Jared who both stood with their mouths open in shock.
" miss me?"
My voice was croaky as they both hugged me incredibly lightly with Paul standing on pins as I leant back on him.
" so how bad is it ?"
I turned to him as he grimaced
" two broken ribs, one shattered, internal bleeding and bruising and a dislocated hip with  bone grazing"
I winced as I said
" wow... I really went all out "
All the boys clearly didn't appreciate my humour as I asked
" what ? too soon ?"
They raised their eyebrows as Jared mumbled
" you are unbelievable "
I smiled as I shivered. I realised I was in some shorts and Paul's T-shirt as my bandaging needed changing. Paul noticing my discomfort signalled the boys as with all their efforts, they managed to get me inside in the least painful way. Once I got to the bathroom I saw them bring in bandages and the alcohol as Paul managed to unbandage my hip. Wincing why the air hit it he looked to me worried. I nodded as he continued and Jared began to unwrap the bandaging on my ribs. I looked down to see my ribs black and blue as I winced and looked away. My hip was in bad shape as Paul grabbed the rubbing alcohol and my breathing stopped as embry held my hand in both of his and Paul continued. After he rubbed both my hip and ribs with it, he grabbed the dressing and taped it over my wound as sue had instructed on the phone. He then wrapped it around my thigh and hips as I said
" how do you know all of this ?"
He shrugged as he said 
" when you start getting in fights you learn to clean yourself up "
I nodded as he finished my hip. Starting on my ribs I winced more as my breathing was strained.
Once I was fully wrapped I had Paul and Jared on either side of me and embry behind, the two holding my hands and arm and embry holding my waist as they guided me to Paul's truck.
" crap "
I whispered as i noticed it was actually quite a high truck. I saw Jared climb in the front seat and come to the open door as embry was located on the side of me and Paul behind me as they counted me down
" 3,2,1"
After one Jared gently pulled me in as Paul lifted me quickly and embry made sure I didn't fall back out as they breathed a sigh of relief and Paul got in the front as the other two got in the back. As he began driving he turned to me
" you okay ?"
I shrugged as I said
" I'm Alive"
He mumbled
" barely "
Under his breath as I lightened the mood
" so you three gonna be my around the clock care team "
I heard the two in the back scoff and giggle as Paul reached his hand over and layed it on top of mine. I knew he was still in shock, he wasn't as good at hiding it as he thought. Pulling up to my house I saw all three get out as I groaned. They opened the door worried as I said
" this is gonna get annoying isn't it "
All three nodded in sync as I reached out my hands and they laughed. Lifting me out paul set me down and helped me walk as the other two shadowed us. Getting up the stairs was quite the mess as I had to be lifted up each one which got quite painful. Once we got to the top tears built up as Paul bent down
" you wanna wait here for a while or wanna go to your room ?"
He was at eye level as I shook my head
" I can do it "
All three tentatively moved me as I got to my room and they set me down on the bed. Embry and Jared whispered a goodnight as they each kissed my head. They closed the door with a quiet click as I whined
" paulllllll"
He was there in an instant as he said
" whatever you need baby "
I smiled as I said
" your comfy grey T-shirt and my pink satin pyjamas shorts "
He nodded as he was stood getting it 
" and some fluffy socks "
He laughed as he pulled a matching pair out. Once he got to me he managed to manoeuvre my T-shirt off and my shorts off as he dressed me in the stuff he had got out and I said
" now one more thing "
He stood waiting as I asked
" cuddle with me?"
He complied straight away as he stripped down to his underwear and climbed in bed careful not to hurt me as he slid us under the covers. I lay on my back as I rested my head on his shoulder and he said
" you're never scaring me like that again "
I moved my hand and traced it up and down his stomach as I said
" rather me than you "
He shook his head furiously as he said
" you don't deserve this holly, you were an inch from death "
" I saw Harry "
I interrupted as he sighed sadly and sympathetically as he stroked my hair
" he told he it wasn't my time "
Paul kissed my head as he said
" I've never been so worried or scared but grateful that your alive "
I smiled as my eyes began to close and I fell into a sleep.

I adore the friendship she has with Jared and embry... and Paul is so so in love with her it's adorable.
Question to answer in the comments is
' what would you most like to see in this book... if you could have one thing happen what would it be'

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