Chapter 33

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Outside of her little prison, Kaylah could hear muffled voices.

The seemingly perpetual silence had been broken when she heard banging on the door of her dark little prison and then someone started to talk.

She didn't know what they were saying as the bandages around her head prevented her from hearing too much, but it was the first real voice she'd heard since that fateful one called to her from the loading dock.

She could hear several voices.

She didn't know whether the fact that there were people out there speaking, should make her hopeful or more frightened. Now that she could hear voices, she wondered whether they were people there to save her, or if whoever took her was done worrying about her hearing their voices because they were about to end this.

She couldn't tell how many people were out there, however, she was positive she could hear at least one man and a woman.

Pretty sure there were two different male voices.

Then one of the men raised their voice.

It sounded as though he said something like, "I do have, all right." But Kaylah wasn't sure. What she was sure of, though, she was saved.

She would know that voice anywhere.

Her step-dad had found her.

But were the other people out there helping him, or the ones who took her?

Was Michael in danger?

Moments later, her questions were answered as the voices stopped talking, and she could now hear a percussion of dull noises, muffled by the bandage.

Thudding, stomping. A painful cry. Michael's pain-filled cry, she was sure of it.

The noises from the struggle went on for only a few moments, yet it seemed like much longer as she sat there praying her step-dad would be all right.

Then silence.

Only for maybe a couple of minutes, before a loud clanging came from right on the door. Like someone was hitting it with something.

The hitting stopped for a moment and then something hit the ground. She heard a loud crack just seconds before the door was opened and her world became slightly less dark.

Someone began tugging at the bandages and within seconds, her mouth, ears, and eyes had been uncovered.

In front of her stood a woman she didn't recognize, behind that woman a man Kaylah had never seen before in her life and face down on the floor behind them, blood trickling from the back of his head, was Michael.

She felt terror and panic slip from her chest and pervade her entire body in a chilling wave.

They had killed her step-dad.

They had shown her their faces.

Which meant she was next.


This part was barely a chapter at just under 500 words but don't worry, there is more to come. Ta-ta for now but not for long!

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