Chapter Twenty Eight|Flight

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It's been five days since George woke up in the hospital alone.

He had made the announcement that he was gonna take a break from social media already, and he's already gotten a call from his uncle about the funeral arrangements.

He never even knew he had an uncle on his dad's side.

It was needless to say that George didn't have any plans to leave his house. He barely had the energy to drag himself out of the bed long enough to eat even a  single meal per day.

To George, nothing mattered anymore. If nobody cared about him, he wouldn't care about anything. After all, he didn't matter.

The only family he'd ever really known was dead. The only person he ever really needed was gone.

Seconds melted to minutes. Minutes into hours. Hours to days.

He'd lost a lot of weight over the course of the last few days, and he didn't doubt he would lose more. When he looked in the mirror, he saw a shadow of himself; He saw a shadow of GeorgeNotFound, torn from his own body. A fraction of who he once was.

When he saw that post from Darryl, hope bloomed in his chest like lilies during spring. It filled him with determination, and he already knew what he had to do next.

He shot them messages, asking what he looked like, telling him Dream had disappeared one day. As soon as he made sure the dots were connected, he did it.

He went online and bought a plane ticket.

He had to wait five more days. This was the first time he'd checked the date in a while.

He's been living on only one meal a day for two weeks straight, and it shows. His eyes were sunken, and he had patchy facial hair that he looked horrible with. He definitely needed to shave.

He needed to clean himself up and eat lunch.


As George got on the plane, he got hit with an overwhelming sense of deja vu, but he didn't know why.

It would be an hour and a half flight, and George wasn't looking forward to sitting in this seat for that long thinking about what he was going to say to Dream when he got there.

He was very, very angry at Dream. The man had left him when he was at his worse, and he didn't even say goodbye.

But at the same time, Dream had only left because he thought this whole thing was this fault. He thought he was the reason George's parents had died and George was hospitalized. He blamed himself, even though George had already forgiven him the second it happened.

George wasn't the forgiving type. One time in kindergarten a kid stole his pudding cup, and George would be lying if he said he had forgiven him, even to this day.

There was just something that he had with Dream. Something different between him. Something special.

George laughed at himself a bit. He sounded like a lovesick teenager.

Teenager? Not so much. Lovesick? Definitely.


George was getting impatient. He had taken a taxi to Darryl and Zak's apartment building, but it still felt like he wasn't getting there fast enough.

Eventually, they got to the right street, and when George looked up, his eyes widened.

"STOP!!" The breaks squealed, and George opened the door, stepping out slightly.

Dream was there, looking frantic. And then he bolted. George jumped back into the taxi, pointing at Dream frantically.

"Follow him! I'll pay you twice as much!" The taxi driver didn't need to hear anything else. For about five minutes, they followed Dream. But then they lost him. George yelled in frustration, handing the driver three twenties and jumping out.

He followed the claw-like gouges in the concrete for a whole hour, his confidence waning. He felt like he was going in circles.

But then he saw it. Claw marks up a tall apartment building. First George tried the doors, but they needed a code to get in. George frowned determinedly as he went to the side of the building, climbing the fire escape as quickly as he could until he got to an unlocked window.

He climbed in, closing it quietly as he passed through the stranger's apartment. It felt wrong, but he didn't have another choice.

He sighed in relief as he found the exit into the hallway, continuing to find the elevator and go as high as he could.

Then, he found the stairs to the roof. He climbed them, only to see that he needed a staff key to get up there.

He searched the floor, taking twists and turns and rattling locked 'staff only' doors until he eventually found one that wasn't locked, pushing it open with enough force for it to slam on the wall.

He scoured the room for what felt like hours, and he nearly whooped when he got the spare key to the roof of the building.

He climbed up those stairs as quickly as his legs would let him, going two stairs at a time. He fiddled with the lock for what felt like way too long, and then he was through.

He slammed the door open, only to see Dream preparing to jump.


George yelled, desperate to get the man in front of him back into his arms; Desperate to get him to come home.

Dream collapsed onto his knees, and George ran to him, wrapping his arms around the boy's middle from behind. George placed his forehead against the boy's back, relief flooding through his veins as hot tears slipped down his face.


They're back together y'all ^-^

More fanart!!

This is by nnicolessketches on Instagram!!

I absolutely love the more neutral pallet they went with for this drawing!! It's adorable and I love it so much 💞💕

Anyways, as always you can check my bio if you want to send in any fanart.

Have a good day/night everyone!.

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