Chapter 30

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The following day I went to work knowing very well how much trouble I am in. I'm going to have to face the CEO and the board but something in me just gave me the confidence and I know that is all I need. I will not be intimidated by anyone. I got into my office and Damien entered right behind me with a cup of coffee.

"Ms. Brown, the production team never got their flash drive. Do you still have it?" he asked.
What the hell is on that drive?

"Well, yesterday when I got there they had already left and today I forgot it at home, must be in the other handbag. Don't worry, I will go get it during lunch and give it to them personally." I said and he left soon after.

I gave the drive to Isaac, to see if he can hack the encryption. It's not at the house and I didn't feel like telling the truth. He is hiding something so why can't I hide something as well? I received a call and I immediately picked up.

"Liz, it's Catherine. The board meeting is in five minutes," she said.

"Thanks, Cathy," I said and made my way to the elevator. People were looking better today and at least smiling so maybe my mess was not that bad.

I passed by Catherine's desk and she didn't have a good look on her face.

"Just thought of giving you a heads up, the boss is here and he does not look happy," she said.

"I can imagine, but at least everyone else is happy," I said as if it is not bugging me when I know it is, especially when I have been sending him to voicemail the whole of yesterday and he probably cut his vacation short because of this. Yes, I think this is the one moment where Jack would say 'Liz, you are in deep sh*t sis' but I don't care. I stopped planning a long time ago so I am just going to go to that meeting and wing it.

"I just want to say thank you for what you did yesterday for everyone. It was a big risk and I know that every person in that board room is ready to bury you, but we needed that day off. So you go in there knowing you got every employee here behind you." she said.

"Thanks, Catherine, not a minute of yesterday went by without me thinking if I did something right, but coming in seeing everyone and you saying that, I am ready to face whatever is coming my way. Shall we?" I ask.

"Definitely," she said and we walked into the board room.
I took my seat just after realizing that the only woman that is part of the board members didn't grace us with her presence. So it's me versus ten people.

"Ms. Brown, how nice of you to join us. You called us here yet you are the last one to come in late." Mr. Jameson said. He is one of our biggest investors.

"I apologize," I said briefly.

"So why are we here Ms. Brown?" he asked again.

"Well, with all due respect Sir, the company is not doing good. Last week our catalogs and the truck with the products were hijacked and Mr. Parker decided it was best not to involve the police. The financials haven't been looking good for the past three months and are it helping to have the employees working around the clock to replace the stolen products when we still don't know who stole them and if they are going to do it again?" I raised my point.

"Ms. Brown, I didn't involve the police because I have a private investigator looking into it. Plus the employees get paid to do their jobs." A furious Mr. Parker fired back.

"So we have heard Mr. Parker, so how is the investigation going? Are we going to have something before the products are out this Friday?" I asked.

"That is not a concern you should worry about Ms. Brown, I am the boss and I am handling it. What I do not like is the fact that you had to go and give the employees a day off without asking me first. You kept sending my calls to voice mail. " Mr. Parker said.

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