Chapter 7. Saved Again

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Hey sorry it's been a while since I've updated, been pretty busy with exams. Hope you enjoy this chapter! :))

Olivia was sat in her room, sitting by her desk as she gazed out from her window. She watched the clouds sail over the undulating country lanes, wishing she could be out in the fields. The girl was interrupted, a knock on the door shattering the comforting silence.

"Come in." She spoke loudly, so the person on the other side could hear.

The girl expected it was a maid, but that idea was no longer as the maids only came during breakfast, lunch and dinner. Her next guess was The Lord, but why would he come visit?

She turned around, seeing it was merely her brother standing by the doorframe. She smiled as it had been a while since they had last seen each other.

"Do you have any plans this afternoon?" Her brother asked as he stepped in.

Olivia shook her head.

"Well me and other guards are having a little dinner party in the kitchen tonight, we're celebrating Dereks birthday. I came to ask if you wanted to come."

Olivia wasn't sure at first, although Anthony's friends were all kind and friendly people she didn't really feel like they had anything in common.

"Matilda will be there as well." He added with a smile.

"Okay... I'll go."

He grinned seeing her change in expression. The human girl wasn't really a fan of parties, but she and Matilda had become good friends; so as long as she was there what could possibly go wrong?

"All right, I'll see you until then."

Once he left, Olivia wasted no time and began rummaging through her closet to find a dress she would wear for the party. She waited until dusk where twilight beckoned the stars and when the sky became a fiery red before heading to the party.

Once she entered the hallway, she realised she had no idea where to go. She caught in the corner of her eye a maid dusting some nearby bookcases.

"Excuse me," Olivia turned to the maid. "which way is the kitchen?"

The maid pointed to a hallway on her left and Olivia thanked her before she went on her way. She followed the direction that then lead to a staircase until eventually she found a large open doorway. Once she entered inside, she found herself in what could only be the kitchen.

Like every room in the castle, it was obnoxiously enormous and spacious. The tiled floor was glossy and the counters and cabinets were all made of dark rosewood.

The kitchen was spotless and well kept, in the middle was a round table accompanied by tall wooden chairs. On those chairs, sat her brother Anthony, and around 6 of his friends whom she did not recognise.

Once her brother noticed her presence by the entrance, he smiled and gestured for her to come over as he pulled out a chair. She ambled towards them as they waved and greeted her.

As Olivia sat down, Lancelot, who was sitting opposite of her turned to face her.

"Heyyy Oliviaaa." He spoke, elongating the end of his words.

She noticed there was an empty beer bottle in front of him. It didn't take a fool to see that he was clearly under the influence of alcohol.

"Long time no seeee."

The girl smiled awkwardly in return, secretly repulsed by the stench of booze from his breath.

Matilda closed her eyes, shaking her head as she snorted.

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