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*protects face as books get flown at them*


My undecisive nature has led me here once again, and I'm so sorry for being this way. So long as I update and give you lots of good stuff, can we call it even? Yes? No? Maybe?

If you've been here before, congratulations! You're here again. It's been a roller-coaster of me sucking at making decisions, BUT I'm making a decision now! It's done. Permanent! 

This is the prequel of Dorm Room 210. If I'm being honest, I'm so nervous about sharing! Since having such high expectations on myself, everything I do must be "perfect". But is anything really? I'm learning that as time goes on.

It goes without saying: This is still "first-draft" basis. When I re-wrote this story, the plot and characters were my major focus. Have I been careful with my grammar? Absolutely! Is it error free? Absolutely not!

Just another big shout out to everyone who supported me along the way - you keep me writing, you keep me active. I hope I make you proud.

Without further ado, I introduce to you, Privacy in Dorm Room 210!



Roommates. Guilt. Stubborn hearts.

It's been six months, and 18-year-old Justin McGregor hasn't forgiven himself for what he did. A master in hiding his emotions, he starts a new life as a student at Prestwick West University. When a last minute error transpires, he's moved to a stand-alone dorm behind the classrooms. But it's not the location that has him distressed. His roommate has changed, and it's with the one person whose his past mistakes affect the most.

Adjusting will take time, but it's surviving that will be Justin's undoing. Forging a mutual treaty with whom he now calls his roommate will be tougher than any class he takes, but both have endured hurt, and the wounds they share aren't healed. Hearts on a platter, these young adults will face what has been keeping them apart for so long.

Justin has made mistakes — but it's what he chooses next that will define his future.

Embrace the prequel of the 210 Trilogy!


All Rights Reserved Copyright of Kapsie, Nicole Kaps. All content from above and further on also belongs to the owner. This story is for pure fun, enjoyment and entertainment. All related topics are fictional. The university is fictional and events that happen between characters do not necessarily happen in real life. Don't plagiarise. Don't disrespect the author and cheat by taking her story.


Instagram: @nicolekapsie

Twitter: @wattpadkapsie

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