if you were a hughes sister:

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**rewritten/edited 07/29/2021

so this is kinda different, this is as if you were related to the boys, as their sister-

•you would be the youngest out of the four

•you would be closest to quinn because he's so chill

•luke and jack would be so protective over you

•"you have a boyfriend? no, not anymore, that's not happening"

•they would try and scare your new boyfriend off whenever you brought him home

•you would defidentaly have a crush on alot of the ntdp boys (current or former)


•if you ever need to cry, quinn would be the one you would go to

•he would put his hands on your cheeks and gently wipe away the tears with his thumbs

•if something really good has happen to you, you would tell jack first

•he would pick you up and spin you around, he would be genuinely excited for you

•if someone did something bad to you, you would tell luke

•i feel like luke would be the most capable to beat someone up out of the three of them if we're being honest

•you would be included in all of their basketball games, ping-pong tournaments, and hockey practices, if they needed another member

•you would always be on quinn's team

•you would def be the favorite child

•you would be closer to your mom than to your dad because you can both relate to 'girly' things

•ellen and jim would love to spoil you


•you would go to all of your brother's drafts, and when their names were called, you would give them a giant hug

•whenever the draft is over and you go to see them, you would make sure to tell them just how proud of them you were, along with all the other boys taut were drafted that day

•you would all go out to dinner afterwords, then come back to the hotel room

•there would be two beds, you and quinn in one and jack and luke in the other, your parents in a seperate room


•at home, you would have your own room and bathroom, even though the boys protest, your mom shuts them down quickly

•luke always drives you to and from school if he doesn't have hockey practice

•you would have a good group of tight-knit friends, a lot of them would have crushes on your brothers, especially jack

•you would also be good friends with the boys on lukes hockey team, maybe even dating one of them


•but overall you love your family so much, you would do anything for them and you know they would do the same


wc: 450
have a nice rest of your day!!💜💜

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