Chapter 30 - Flirtatious

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Since Elio hadn't been in school on Friday either, Senn hadn't been able to talk to him and find out why he broke things off with Joyce. Or more so, to have Elio confirmed he did it for him, as he as hoping. It was frustrating, since Elio hadn't replied to his texts either, even though Senn simply showed interest and concern over his absence.

It was frustrating, but unsolvable in that moment. Which was the only reason he pushed it aside, silently went about his school day, and agreed on going to a party with Avan and Lucas in the evening to have some fun and clear his mind.

"But, no running off with any of your hook ups, okay?" Lucas said as he held Senn close by putting an arm around his neck. "We're actually going to start this evening together, and end it together."

"Technically you'd be cockblocking me," Senn said, which resulted in Lucas pushing him away before laughing. "But okay, deal. I'll stay and go home with you guys."

"Good, because you always seem to miss the funniest things. Once people end up beyond repair drunk, they get funny."

"Maybe it's just funny because by the time that happens, we're too stoned to realize it's not funny at all," Avan chimed in. "But whatever the reason, you miss out on a lot of laughter."

"I already said I'm going to stay. I promise," Senn answered, holding up his hands in surrender. "All yours tonight. I need a break from reality, and with that, boys, girls, any dating-related issues."

"Sounds like a plan," Lucas agreed, pulling him closer. "It's been way too long since we ended up at either of our homes shitfaced drunk and unable to climb stairs together."

Senn laughed, vaguely remembering a time when Lucas and he would end up drunk at his home about once a week. Lucas' older brother made sure their parents wouldn't discover, by cleaning up after Lucas when he threw up, and by getting them to bed without destroying half the house.

All plans in consideration, Senn stayed close to his friends as soon as they were inside the house, amidst other classmates and some of Senn's old soccer teammates. For a while, he kept busy with beer pong, talking to other friends he hadn't talked to in a while—without them once mentioning the accident or anything or anyone involved—and hearing the latest gossip about girls and guys he hardly knew.

Joyce and Elio was one of the subjects that passed, and Senn intently listened to hear if anyone knew why. They seemed to be clueless. Not just about him, but about Elio being bisexual as well. Which made him wonder if Elio was out or not. He hadn't even considered if Elio wanted others—in this case Lucas and Avan—to know about his sexuality.

"He probably has plenty of girls to pick from," Yannick said, taking a sip from his beer. "He needs to tell me how he got half the girls in our year swooning over him within the first two weeks of school."

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