Chapter 69

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One Week Later

Ibraheem's POV:

I was glad Malek had reserved a place near the Gwadar Beach for us to visit. I could tell Misha was slightly frustrated by the fact that our honeymoon had been delayed and she was probably feeling homesick too so I wanted to change the air around her for a while before we left for the proper honeymoon. I had told her we were here due to my political obligation but in fact, I just wanted her to see the beauty of Gwadar and forget any and all worries she had been feeling.

"It's my first time visiting Balouchistan." Misha said excitedly as she looked out to the mountains surrounding us. She looked adorable in her off shoulder shirt and jeans. The headband and hoops only made the entire look even better. Malek and Daud were in the car infront of us while our guards were in the car behind us. I decided to put on a song and open the sunroof to lighten up the mood even more. "Can I step outside of the sunroof?" She looked at me with twinkling eager eyes so I nodded.

She kissed my cheek as she took off her sandals and stepped on the seat, popping her head out of the sunroof. She shrieked happily as the cold breeze touched her skin. I slowed down the speed so that breeze wouldn't be too harsh on her face. Tu Chahiye started playing in the background as she opened her arms and felt everything with her closed eyes.

'Tu Chahiye Tu Chahiye
Shaam O Subah Tu Chahiye
Tu Chahiye, tu Chahiye,
Har Martaba Tu Chahiye'

She came down after a few seconds later and started singing along to the music while looking at me with a smile on her face. A smile so contagious that I felt myself smiling too. "Jitni dafaa, zidd ho meri, utni dafa haan tu chahiye."

God, I really loved her so much. She was everything I wanted and needed. Thank you Khudaya for blessing my life with her.  As I sang the song along with her, I could feel the velvet box in my pocket begging to be let out but I had to wait for the right moment. I hope I make this day perfect for her. Because perfection and happiness was all she deserved.

Misha's POV:

I was walking hand in hand with Ibraheem on the shore of the Gwadar Beach. The two of us were bare foot with the cold sand cooling the soles of our feet. Ibraheem was humming to some tune while I leaned on his body. It was beautiful. Peaceful. Serene. The sun was slowly setting and there weren't any people around us for kilometers. The sky was changing colours every few seconds leaving me in a state of trance. Pakistan's beauty really surprised me at times.

Our honeymoon had been delayed because Ibraheem had to sign some documents and visit some sites but we were finally leaving for Santorini the day after tomorrow. I had wanted to visit a Muslim country too so we followed up on Turkey as well.

After walking for a while longer, Ibraheem paused causing me to come to a stop as well. He looked at me with a tender expression that warmed up my heart. He patted his pockets and took out a little maroon velvet box. He grinned at me before opening it. Inside were two platinum identical rings. One was thin and delicate while the other seemed relatively bigger with a thicker band.

He raised my hand that he was holding and grinned at me. He showed me the ring. "Look at the engravings on the back." He told me and I looked at the ring noticing M ♥ I engraved in the back of both rings with a date. 06.03.13. I felt my heart burst with new emotions as Ibraheem carefully placed that ring on my index finger since I was already wearing my wedding ring on the ring finger. Ibraheem then handed me box and brought his hand forward. I placed the ring on his finger too.

"Thank you Ibraheem, for everything." I felt my voice break slightly because the small exchange had overwhelmed me.

He then let go of my hand as he placed his hand on one side of my waist while his other hand lifted my chin up to look at him. "Kahan se shuru howe thay hum aur kidher pohanch gaye. (Look where we started and look where we have reached.)" Ibraheem said out of the blue as he continued to smile down on me. "We have come a long way, haven't we, meri jaan?"

"We really have." I put my hand on his hand that had settled on my cheek. I squeezed it gently before looking at him again. "It was a tough one but I am glad that it ended beautifully. I have you now and you have me. I love you, Ibraheem Khan Narejo."

"I love you too, meri jaan. So much more than you can imagine." Ibraheem replied as his eyes reflected my image in them. An image surrounded by love and affection. An image I was sure my eyes mirrored for him too.

"If I had to go back in time and change anything, the only thing I would wish for us to have met sooner. I regret nothing. You complete me." I replied to him as I kissed his hand.

"And you complete me. My better half. My miracle. My Misha." I hugged him, an embrace he returned happily. The hug turned intimate all of a sudden with Ibraheem holding me extremely close to his body. I could tell that Ibraheem was getting turned on. At that moment, an evil idea came to my head. It wasn't like anyone was around anyway. I pushed him back with enough force to cause him to land on the sand and look at me in shock. I grinned as I got ready to make a run for it.

"Catch me if you can." I turned around to look at him. "Who knows, I might surprise you with a reward." With that I sprinted with him running after me. The sun set in the background with the voices of Ibraheem's laugh and my squeals echoing everywhere as Ibraheem finally caught up to me. He fell on top of me causing me to giggle.

Ibraheem took that moment to kiss me. He leaned down as he held my face with his hands, his lips touched mine gently and I closed my eyes as I returned his kiss. We laid there like that for a while, our lips touching each other's softly under the cloudy orange skies. Nothing but the two of us mattered right now.

And in that moment, we both knew, that if we had to go back in time, we would do it all over again, for that is just the love we had. A love that was truly, madly and deeply meant for each other. For Misha Yousaf and for Ibraheem Khan Narejo.

A new chapter had begun, a chapter of spending every moment together, whether it be good or bad, happy or sad, to spend the highs and lows together, to celebrate the victories together and mourn the losses together.

The End.

Author's Note:

Hello and Asalam o Alaikum Lovelies!

I know most of you are thinking that the chapter is too short but there is a reason I went with this. We already know their struggles and everything so I just wanted the chapter to be wholesome and peaceful for once. A chapter just about their happiness and something that concludes their happy ending together.

Don't worry I will try my best to write bonus chapters of their married life and just fun short teasers whenever I get time but yeah, this marks the end of a beautiful love story. I feel so emotional right now. I feel as though two people I actually knew in life are finally together though this is purely fiction lol. How are you all feeling right now?

The fun part is that now I can finally focus on Zoran and Ruhad.  The Epilogue for book three is coming up next. Who is excited? I know I am so ready for another round of craziness, love, obsession and heartfelt confessions.

Make loads of comments guys. They make my day and I want to know what you all think on each part of the chapter.

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