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I don't have this weeks chapter ready yet so instead, here's this.

Essentially this takes place in an alternate universe where both H and L were able to come out fine, Louis was not kicked out and both their parents know about their relationship.

It's not very long but I'll have this week's chapter ready soon.

In the mean time, enjoy :)


Louis: I'm coming over

Harry had gotten used to texts like this in the seven months or so since the two boys met. It was the early evening on a Thursday in April. Harry had been lying in bed, listening to his music, simply relaxing as the evening approached. Gemma would soon be returning home from university soon so Harry was making use of all the peace and silence he could get.

Harry loved Gemma, he really did. They were siblings and although Gemma was four years older than him, they had always been close. Partially because it was just the two of them but also because of all the struggles that the two went through together throughout their childhood. Gemma was and had always been his best friend and the one person he talked to.

But Gemma was loud. And Gemma was always the centre of attention on their family. Harry was quiet and preferred not to talk when he was little, and this had extended throughout their childhood and into early adulthood. Even now, Gemma still tended to speak for Harry like she had done when they were young and, frankly, now that Harry was seventeen, he found it to be more than annoying at times.

Either way, Harry was enjoying his alone time before Gemma came home, his alone time with Louis especially. With thoughts of Louis back in the young boy's mind, Harry pulled himself out of bed. He straightened the covers and pulled on a sweatshirt over his t-shirt and gym shorts before leaving his room and heading down the stairs.

"Mum?" Harry called out as he reached the bottom of the stairs and rounded the corner into the kitchen. "Louis' coming over."

Anne looked up from where she was preparing something on the stove. "Alright sweetie, is he staying for dinner?"

"I'm not sure if he already ate or not..." It was later in the evening, almost eight, but Anne always cooked quite late due to her long work hours. Harry usually ate earlier if it was just him but on days where his mum would be home Harry put off the meal to eat with his mother. He really enjoyed their time together.

"That's fine then, just let me know if he wants food when he comes over." Harry nodded and backed out of the kitchen, going to wait in the living room instead, pulling out his phone as he waited for his boyfriend to come over.

Harry scrolled through his phone for a few minutes before he heard Louis' signature knock on the door. Harry rushed to open the door, eager to see his best friend.

"Hi Harry," Louis greets him, immediately stepping closer to the boy to peck the corner of his mouth before closing the door behind him. Louis slipped off his sneakers and shrugged off his jean jacket, both of which, slightly damp from the rain earlier in the day. "I missed you."

"I missed you too," Harry mumbled, pulling the older boy back into him and shoving his face into the taller boy's neck. Harry sighed as he felt Louis wrap his arms around him, holding him tightly.

"Everything okay baby?" Louis whispered into the side of the smaller boy's head. Harry simply nodded and pulled away from Louis, taking his hand and leading him up the stairs.

"Door open please boys!" They heard as they reached the top of the stairs. Louis chuckled and walked in front of Louis, entering Harry's room and taking a seat on his bed, crossing his legs.

Harry follows closely behind him, shutting the door once he entered the room. Louis frowned at him, "Your mum said door open..."

Harry shrugged, "'ts okay, we're not gonna do anything, just wanna cuddle."

"Alright baby," Louis nodded, opening up his arms and motioning for Harry to come to him. Harry moved towards him and sat down in the older boy's lap, giggling as Louis held him tight and fell back to lie on the bed. "My cuddly baby."

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