Baby- Raven

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No one knows how it happened. I never cheated on Ray, nor would I, everyone believes me..thank god. Clarke did a few tests on me which somehow determined that I was pregnant. She believes it was the high level of radiation I was exposed to awhile ago. She did a few more test since Raven wanted to 100% know that I hadn't cheated, and the answer was I hadn't. "Y/n! Your supposed to me in the tent are you crazy!" I sigh. Ever since the baby news everyone has treated me like I'm a feather. Including my best friend Bellamy. "Bell, I'm fine. I just want some air. I don't feel good." His eyes grown narrow as he yells for Ray. Raven comes rushing over. "Babe?! I left you alone for five minutes are you already going against the grain!" I groan. "Don't groan at us." I shake my head as I point behind them. "Hey baby mama, shouldn't you be asleep?" Murphy questions me as he joins the three of us. "That what we were just saying." Bell gives me a look as Rave wraps her arms around me. "Come on, back to the tent baby." I try to speak but sudden pain takes my words away. "What the- Raven?" Murphy speaks stopping us, my legs feel wet and I panic. "Raven, I think my water broke!" She stops and looks at me. "Holy shit!" Bell and Murphy speak at the same time. "DON'T JUST STAND THERE!! HELP ME!!" the two rush to our sides and hurry to Clarke.

"AGHHHH!" I scream as Clarke's face goes white. "I-I what do I- I've never done this.." Raven gives her a look. "Clarke we don't have time for this!" She nods and her game face is placed back on. "Bellamy, Murphy set her up here!" They do as she says before I let out another painful yell. "Guys, you should leave." Murphy starts to walk out but Bell grabs him. "We'll stay to make sure things go okay." Clarke nods as she pulls my jeans down my legs. More pain and a few pushes, I'm almost done. "Come on baby, you can do it, come on." Raven brushes my hair from my sweaty face. Her hand placed tightly in mine as I squeeze. "One more push Y/n, really hard, I can see its shoulders." I do as she says but don't have enough energy to it well enough. "Bellamy, Murphy, go on either side and push her stomach. See if that will help her." They do as she suggest, the pain hurts more then anything I've ever felt giving me reason to try to get this done with as fast as I can. I push harder and the pain is relieved. I hear crying and my stomach feels cold as the heat from the boys' hands leaves. "Y/n?" I look over at Raven who smiles at me. "Your a mommy." I grin. "So are you." She leans in and kisses me softly as the crying stops. "Y/n, Raven? Meet your baby girl." Clarke hands me our girl as I look into her eyes. One Y/E/C and one brown. Raven runs her hand over her head and smiles down at her. 

"This place is crazy, and full of war and hate, but this is the best gift its ever given us."  

A/N: This one was requested by @stopitpleaseimme I hope you enjoyed it!! If anyone as any request pls DM me, it can be personal or Y/n.


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